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olive oil is what i have heard

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Q: What type of cooking oil is good for acid reflux?
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Related questions

What type of acid does banana contain?

Ascorbic acid which is actually good to fight reflux.

Would cookies be good for acid reflux?

It depends on the type of cookies, but ingredients such as sugar or milk can trigger reflux.

What is the cause of silent reflux?

It's like regular acid reflux except instead of staying in the esophagus it goes up into your throat. One often doesn't know that they have acid reflux until they go to the doctor with throat problems (sore throat, hoarse voice ect...)

What type of treatment is used for cobblestoning of the posterior pharyngeal wall?

acid reflux meds. rarely work though

What type of diet should one follow for acid reflux?

When one suffers from acid reflux or heartburn one should consider sticking to carbohydrates like bread and stay away from spicy foods. One could also eat more fruits and fiber.

What is the connection between acid reflux and asthma?

Studies show that when acid reflux moves up the esophagus from the stomach that the acids can come as far up as the throat. This causes irritation and can trigger an asthma attack. In addition to raising the head of the bed, the person should take some type of acid reducer, such as the medication Prilosec.

Alternative Remedies For Acid Reflux?

Acid reflux is a very common health problem that affects millions. It has a number of causes, ranging from poor diet to stress and physical abnormalities in the digestive system. Medication is often prescribed for severe chronic acid reflux, but it has severely negative effects on digestion that hamper the ability to absorb nutrients. Before resorting to medication, sufferers may wish to give some of the below remedies a try and see if they can reduce their symptoms in a healthier way.Lifestyle ChangesCertain changes in living habits can make all the difference for many acid reflux patients. By eating less sugar and fat, one can improve digestion considerably. Eating smaller portions can reduce the likelihood of overloading the stomach and causing reflux. Since nighttime acid reflux is particularly problematic for many, it is recommended to make the last meal of the day light and at least 2-3 hours before bedtime. Additional ways to prevent acid reflux include not lying down or bending over after a large meal.Natural Acid Reflux TreatmentsSome of the best remedies for acid reflux are cheap and available at the grocery. The best of them, without a doubt, is fresh ginger. The root can be juiced, peeled and eaten in small pieces, shredded and put on a salad, or even made into a hot tea by steeping thin slices in boiling water. Many find they are able to quit using their acid reflux medication after discovering ginger! Another way to treat reflux is to have a sip of vinegar after a greasy meal--any type will do, as it is the acidity helping the stomach cut through fat and protein that makes it effective. Walking is an excellent way to improve poor digestion that causes acid reflux. The stomach is moved and relaxed by walking and becomes less prone to reflux as a result.Since stress often plays such a large part in causing acid reflux, relaxation techniques can ease symptoms for many patients as well.

Is an acid or a base good for you?

it usually matters what type it is like lemons they're an acid and its good for you

Keep Acid Reflux Under Control by Avoiding These Foods?

Acid reflux, also known as heartburn, is caused when excess stomach acid moves up into the esophagus and burns away the protective lining. The best way to avoid the burning pain associated with acid reflux is to avoid anything that might cause stomach acid to rise. In many cases, the type of food that is eaten can make a big difference in the stomach's acid production, which can make a difference in the potential for acid reflux. Different people respond to foods in different ways, so it is not possible to list every food that could make acid reflux worse for every person. Some people may be able to eat these foods without any trouble, while others are irritated by foods that are not listed. The best way to find out which foods are the most irritating is to keep a food diary with a list of everything eaten on a daily basis and any corresponding occurrences of acid reflux. In general, however, there are certain types of foods that cause problems for the majority of acid reflux sufferers. Citrus fruits and tomatoes should be avoided as often as possible because of their high acidic content. Raw onions and french fries can also cause acid reflux problems. Fatty red meats are difficult to digest, so the stomach creates excess acid that can lead to a bout of heartburn. Tea, coffee, and liquor are also known to create heartburn problems because of the acids they contain. High-fat snacks like potato chips and sweets that are rich in butter should also be avoided. Sometimes the acid reflux is bothered more by the way the food is prepared than by the actual food itself. Fried foods in general tend to cause acid reflux to become irritated. Rich foods that are prepared using thick creams or butter can also exacerbate heartburn. Acid reflux sufferers should be careful not to eat too much at one time, as well. Overeating can cause the stomach to become too full, which means that it cannot properly digest the food without causing some overflow of stomach acid. Avoiding rich or acidic foods and eating in moderation can help keep acid reflux from returning regularly.

Where can I find acid reflux disease diet information?

You can find the best diets for you by going on or something to find out the best diet for you and your body type and suggest some foods for you.

Does lemon's have bateria?

no but it does have a type of acid that is good for u

What is the name of the type of fatty acid that is found in hydrogenated margarine and cooking oils that can increase unhealthy blood lipid levels?
