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They are both insects.

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Q: What type of creatures are gnats and lice?
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CAN Gnats come out of dirty air vents?

Yes, gnats can come out of dirty air vents. Gnats can actually come from anywhere. They are very pesky creatures.

What little creatures can live in your hair?


What happened to the gnats in the ten plagues?

Depending on your translation of the Hebrew word "kinim" (which is translated as lice, gnats, etc.) they were the third plague, spreading disease and uncomfortableness among the Egyptian people.

Can dog's get lice from humans?

No, its a different type of lice.

Which creatures belong to the order arachnida?

spiders, ticks, fleas, lice, & scorpions

What type of head lice's are there?

There is only one type of head lice unless u have crabs. But crabs are lice just u no down there

What do merpeople look lice?

Whatever you want them to look like, considering that they are fantasy creatures.

Can you get head lice when your ill?

Yes, head lice are living creatures which get into your hair through physical contact - they 'land' or 'crawl' onto your hair. That it how you get head lice. Therefore, you can still get head lice when you are ill because the illness makes no difference to your hair.

What creatures did god send as plagues?

I assume that you are referring to the Ten Plagues in Exodus. In order, they are: 1) The plague of water turning into blood 2) The plague of frogs 3) The plague of gnats 4) The plague of flies 5) The plague of livestock death 6) The plague of sores 7) The plague of hail 8) The plague of locusts 9) The plague of darkness 10) The plague of first-born death

Can lice go away by itself or not?

No. You need a special type of shampoo to get rid of lice.

What type of organism causes pubic lice?

Public lice are parasitic insects.Neither. It's a parasite.

Does a spider only eat gnats?

No, it is not true. Spiders do eat insects like gnats, but they also eat other other insects, spiders, and some large spiders have been seen to eat other small animals such as millipedes, wood lice, lizards, frogs, and birds.