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facilitated diffusion

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Q: What type of diffusion is specific and passive and becomes saturated if all of protein carriers are in use?
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Is aerated water saturated?

yes aerated water is saturated .when co2 is passed water becomes saturated

Is facilitated diffusion similar to an enzyme-catalyzed reaction?

Both have similar kinetics, meaning the mechanism by which they work is similar. In facilitated diffusion, a ligand moves through a membrane through a channel. If the concentration of ligand increases, the rate of diffusion increases until the channel becomes saturated and can work no faster. If the concentration of channel increases, the rate increases until the ligands become "saturated". Enzyme catalyzed reactions work similarly, except they are not moving through a membrane. If the ligand increases in concentration, the rate of reaction increases until the enzyme becomes saturated. If the enzyme concentration increases, the rate of reaction increases until all the ligands become "saturated". Facilitated diffusion is basically a protein enhanced transport system, just like an enzyme reaction is basically a protein enhanced metabolic system. Same math, same graphs, same mechanism, same components.

When a solution becomes saturated when it cannot dissolve any more of the solute it is then called a?

Saturated solution.

What do you call temperature at which air becomes saturated?


What do you call the temperatures at which air becomes saturated?


What forms when arie rises cools to a dew point and then becomes saturated?

what forms when air rises cools a dew point and then becomes saturated

How does adding water to a saturated solution make it all dissolve?

When you add water to the saturated solution, there is more solvent to dissolve the solute. The saturated solution becomes diluted, so it is no longer saturated.

How does the temperature affect the solubility of the solute?

It becomes super saturated

How does temperature affect the solubility of solute in solvent?

It becomes super saturated

What is the definition of dewpoint?

The temperature at which air becomes saturated and produces dew

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Diffusion of glucose and starch?

its cloudy and becomes visible much slower