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Q: What type of division occurs to produce an embryo plant from the diploid zygote formed?
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What type of division occur to produce an embryo plant from the diploid zygote formed after fertilization?


What type of division occurs to produce an embryo plant from the diploid zygote formed after ferilization?


What type of division occurs to produce an embryo plant the diploid zygote formed after fertilization?


What is true about sexual reproduction?

Haploid cells formed by meiosis combine to produce a diploid cell.

Are cells diploid or haploid at the end of cell division?

They are haploid. As meosis produces sex cells (sperm and eggs) they must have half the genetic material, so when fertilisation occurs the gamete formed has one full set of chromosomes, it is diploid.

What is formed a the end of meiosis?

In meiosis diploid cells divide to produce four daughter cells each of which is haploid. It is the type of cell division required to produce gametes.

What is a zyzote?

A zygote is the first diploid cell that is formed by the fusion of male and female gametes resulting in the formation of an embryo. The zygote stage development occurs in the first week of fertilization

Are spermatids haploid?

Four megaspores are formed from meiotic division of megapore mother cell which is diploid. We know that diploid cells undergo meiosis to give haploid cells. So, it seems to me that megaspores are haploid.

How does the number of chromosomes in a diploid compare to the number of chromosomes in a haploid?

The diploid number is "2n" and the haploid number is "n". Humans have 46 chromosomes, which are equal to the diploid number. half of these chromosomes are the haploid number, which is = 23.

What immediately happens after zygote form?

A newly formed zygote forms immediately begins the process of cell division and differentiation which lead to the formation of an embryo.

Where is the embryo in an egg?

Embryo is formed in germinal spot of yolk .

What process forms two diploid cells?

A haploid cell only contains 23 chromosomes, whilst a diploid cell contains 23 x 2 chromosomes. When an egg cell (haploid) and a sperm cell (haploid) merge, a diploid cell is formed. Added: Called a zygote.