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Q: What type of eggs will become drones?
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What type of honey bee egg will become drones?

Unfertilised eggs hatch as drones.

What is the difference between drone and bee egg?

Drones are male, they don't lay eggs; only the queen bee can lay eggs.

Why can't drones bees gather their own food?

Drones are males hatched from unfertilized eggs. They don't collect nectar, nor do they have a sting. A drones' primary role is to mate with a fertile queen. They die after mating. If food is scarce, the drones are driven from the hive, rather than use up resources.

Do honey comb bees sting?

Yes, however, the stinger is actually a modified ovipositor. An ovipositor is the body part, or device a queen bee uses to lay eggs. She can also use it as a stinger. Worker bees can also sting, meaning worker bees are also female. Their stinger is an ovipositor. Most worker bees never lay eggs, but occasionally a worker can become a "laying worker." In most cases she has not been fertilized, and non-fertilized eggs become drones. Drones are male bees and, being male, they have no ovipositor and cannot sting.

Which eggs hatch in to males and which into females in case of honey bees?

The unfertilized eggs of the queen bee hatch into male bees, or drones. Worker bees, or females, and female queen bees hatch from fertilized eggs.

What insect does the male bee come from?

Male bees (drones) come from unfertilized eggs laid by the queen bee. Fertilized eggs produce females (workers or new queens).

What do drone ants do in their colonies?

Drones are the ants in the colony that are males. The drone ants are born from unfertilized eggs and do not work but can fly.

What do you do on poptropica after you free the drones?

after you free the drones even the last one that is by the controls click on the controls and then type in the requested control sequence. Then smash mr. bunnies ship.

Which member of bee colony is the only one that lay eggs?

Only the Queen bee lays eggs. Most of them are for worker bees but occasionally they will be drones or a new Queen.

What is the difference in male and female bees fertility?

Drones(males) are produced from unfertilized eggs and therefore represent only the DNA of the queen that laid the eggs, i.e. have only a mother. Workers (females without reproductive capacity) and queens (females with reproductive capacity) result from fertilized eggs and therefore have both a mother and a father. A modified form of Parthenogenesis controls sex differentiation. The sex Allele is Polymorphic and so long as two different variants are present, a female bee results. If both sex alleles are identical, diploid drones are produced. Honeybees detect and destroy diploid drones after the eggs hatch.

What is a father bee called?

Male bees are called Drones. The queen has one mating flight when she will join with many drones before returning to the hive and beginning to lay fertilised eggs. She only mates during that one flight in her life-time.

How many eggs hatch into males and female in honey bees?

Around 1% will be drones (male bees). The others will be workers (infertile females).