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kinetic energy

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Q: What type of energy travels as vibrations through solids liquids and gases?
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What is the form of energy that travels as waves through the air and some solids and liquids?


What energy is the energy caused by objects vibrations It travels waves?

sound energy

Sound waves travel by vibrations in what?

Sound is energy of mechanical vibration transferred through a medium. Commonly the medium is air, but solids, liquids and gasses all transmit sound. Indeed, sound travels faster through liquid and solids than through gas. Sound does not propagate through a vacuum.

How energy travels from the sun through the plant and on to a consumer?

Energy travels through radiation

How do vibrations produce sound?

A sound wave is a transfer of energy as it travels away from a vibrating source.

Does light energy produce vibration?

yes, light travels through vibrations. light vibrations are in the form of pure energy. it travels in the form of pure electro-magnetic radiation. therefore light can travel in both withought vibration and with vibration.

What energy travels through empty space to warm the earth?

Since we are talking about warming, what you are looking for is heat or more properly thermal energy, But there is a problem as thermal energy cannot travel through empty space as this form of energy is defined in terms of the vibrations of matter at the atomic/molecular level.What travels through empty space and when it arrives on earth produces these vibrations in matter that will warm the earth is electromagnetic radiation, primarily radiation in the infrared and visible light bands. The energy in this radiation is electromagnetic in nature and is cyclicly exchanged back and forth between the electric and magnetic fields of the wave.

What kind of energy travels through water better than through air?

what kind of energy travels through water better than air

When solar energy travels from the sun through a vacuum of space to the earth?

Energy from the sun travels through the vacuum of space by radiation.

How heat energy travels?

As an electromagnetic wave (infra red radiation)As vibrations in molecules hitting each other and passing on the energy to nearby molecules.

What is the energy of travels through space as waves?

Electromagnetic energy.

Why are solids better heat conductors than liquids?

Solids are better heat conductors than liquids because their particles are closely packed and connected. In solids, heat energy moves easily through vibrations and strong bonds between particles. Liquids, on the other hand, have looser arrangements and weaker connections between particles, making it harder for heat to travel through them.