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Q: What type of enzymes are useful in cleaning and stain removal?
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Applying Scotchguard every 6 months or so will make your carpets and furniture repel wine. If it does manage to get through, here are some tips for removing it: and

What are some green carpet cleaning products?

If you are using a carpet cleaner, Rug Doctor offers a green cleaning solution. It is available at Sears. For spot cleaning and stain removal, rubbing alcohol can be used. Simply soak the spot in alcohol, blot it in with a rag, and once it dries the stain will disappear.

What stain remover products are available for cleaning carpets?

There are many types of stain removal products to clean carpets such as carpet cleaning sprays, powders, and liquids. You could try any of them and just follow the instructions given on the packet. It will remove all the stains.

What are different mechanisms for stain removal and which situations each are most suitable for?

(Please elaborate:)FACTORSUPHOLSTERY/FABRIC TYPE: how this effects the stain removal methodORGANIC/INORGANIC: which types of stain removers are more common for organic stains?PH: Acidity of stain and stain remover, chemical reactions involvedTEMPERATURE: when cold is useful to keep stains from setting? when heat aids chemical reactions for stain removal? (steam,)TIME: time for a stain to set; for a detergent to soak or workScrubbing/Rubbing: When to do so and pressure exertedMECHANISMSALKALINES (,baking soda): are useful when... and do this:,ACIDS (,vinegar): are useful when...Water: for surfactant/carrying agent/dilution of detergentSurfactants: wetting, dispersing, emulsifying, foamingPeroxide:Ammonia:Bleaches:Enzymes:Other types of cleaners: commercial, cleaners for inorganic stains; for special materials or stains, steam

What products are used for cleaning carpeted floors?

Items needed for cleaning carpeted floor would be a vacuum cleaner, any cleaning sprays or scented powders for the carpet, and it also would help to include a steamer for instant stain removal.

What is the purpose of oxygen bleach?

Oxygen bleach, such as OxiClean, is a cleaning agent that, when added to water, breaks the bond between the surface and the stain, dirt, odor, etc., that is attached to the surface. It is usually used with laundry for stain removal purposes.

What is a catchy title for your science fair project it is on stain removal?

Stain be gone or Stain, Stain, go away

What professional carpet cleaning system do you recommend for removing carpet stains from a spilled drink?

We recently had a Christmas party and one of our guests spilled a drink on our new carpet. What professional carpet cleaning system do you recommend for stain removal?

What are some ideas for pet stain removal on carpets?

Some ideas for pet stain removal on carpets are as follows: buy Spot Shot Instant Carpet Cleaner, apply Club Soda, use Enzyme Odor Remover, use Baking Soda, following some cleaning tips to be found at Voices Yahoo.

What are stain removal tips to get rid of grass stains?

The best stain removal tools are laundry detergents like Oxy Clean, Shout, Stain Removal, and Tide spot cleaner. Grass stains in general are relatively easy to get rid of so long as you wash the clothes quickly after the stain.

Is removing stains fron a carpet hard?

It would depend on the stain and how fast you can get to it. The faster you attend to a stain, the more likely you'll get it out. Also, each stain requires different stain removal processes... NO CLEANING PRODUCT is effective to ALL TYPES of stains. Example is blood on carpet, you cannot use hot water otherwise you'll be setting the blood into the carpet. Another example is grease stain, you need to use isopropyl alcohol first to remove the oils. Important thing is not to rub the stain as it will just spread the stain. Another Answer: The difficulty in removing stains is subject dependant on the type of stain and how fast you can get to it. The faster you attend to a stain, the more likely you'll get it out. Also, each stain requires different stain removal processes... NO CLEANING PRODUCT is effective for ALL TYPES of stains. For example, if you try to remove a blood stain from carpet, you must use cold water otherwise you'll set the stain. Conversely, if you try to remove grease from carpet, heat is required in the stain removal process but your best to treat the stain first with isopropyl alcohol. The simple rules when removing stains are: 1) Act quickly and remove as much of the excess as you can 2) Blot the stain with a clean white towel or paper cloth until there is no further transfer of the stain to the cloth 3) I recommend finding some professional stain removal instructions from here on. If you can't access any stain removal instructions, then sponge with half a litre of luke warm water and a few drops of dishwashing detergent. Blot with a clean cloth. Rinse by sponging on clean water and blot again, putting as much weight on the stain as possible for maximum absorption.

How do you take stain out of antique baby dress?

Simply you can use some stain removal that available in markets. Or try hot water. Hot water is primary good stain removal process.