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A second mortgage

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Q: What type of equity loan are you lent a lump sum which is to be paid within a certain period of time?
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Can I get married between orthodox Lent and orthodox Easter?

No, you cannot get married during the period when Orthodox Lent begins and Orthodox Easter, as Great Lent is a period of mourning and fasting. You can get married before Lent or after Easter, but not during Lent.

How do Germans celebrate Lent?

If they are Christians, you don't need to be a certain nationality to celebrate lent.

How do you spell lent?

That is the correct spelling of the past tense form "lent" (loaned) and also of the capitalized calendar period in Catholicism, "Lent".

What is the opposite of lent?

The opposite of the past tense verb lent (to lend) is borrowed.The opposite time of the liturgical period Lent falls in "ordinary time" (annual period between Easter and the following Advent).

What Christian period is at the end of Lent?

Holy Week followed by the Easter Triduum come at the end of Lent.

Why is Lent is a waiting time?

Lent marks the period Jesus was in the desert - 40 days and 40 nights

What is Ash Wednesday and Shrove Tuesday?

The last day before the period of Lent, and the first day of it. Certain foods were historically banned during Lent, so the day before (Tuesday) was a day to use up the leftovers before the household was 'shriven'.

Is the Lent period connected to Good Friday?


What days that catholics must fast?

The period of Lent.

What catholic holy period follows carnival?

The Catholic holy period that follows the carnival or Mardi Gras is Lent, Lent lasts for forty days and ends on Holy Thursday.

What if you break lent on a week day instead of Sunday?

Breaking lent on a weekday instead of Sunday does not have any specific consequences or implications. In general, breaking lent means deviating from the commitments or sacrifices made during the Lenten period. The specific rules and practices of lent can vary depending on individual beliefs and traditions, so it is advisable to seek guidance and forgiveness within your own religious community.

Why dont you eat meat during lent?

Lent is the period of 40 days when Jesus completely fasted. Lent ends with Good Friday i.e. the death of Jesus Christ. Lent is a period of penance and remembering the sufferings and pain of Jesus Christ. Therefore it's good to abstain from meat during the season of Lent.