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A friendship fairy

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Q: What type of fairies is Florence the Friendship fairy?
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Are fairys ugly?

Depends on which type of fairy it is just type in types of fairies into Google and you should be able to find your answer

Do fairies exsict?

yes they do go on google and type in Derbyshire fairy

Which service for fairies are leprechauns said to perform?

Leprechauns are a type of fairy that soley focuses on making shoes. The other fairies are said to help him in his workshop.

Where can you get a Disney fairies fawn costume from? Type in "Fawn fairy costume" into the etzy search bar. They have one.

How can you see a fairy?

Faries are make believe and do not exist in real life. Only in fairy tales do they live or in a Disney story. There is ones that are at the Melbourne Botanical Gardens that actually is fairies and is called fairies, it looks like them too but it is actually a type of butterflies that live in trees. Go there if you want to see a real fairy look-a-like.

How do you tell what kind of fairy you are?

There is only one wayand this is true -by what they sayand what they do.

Do fairy princesses have wings?

yes they do and scientist believe and discovered princess fairies and they have wings so if believe hard enough and think lots about what I've said fairies wil come out become your friend Only certain types of fairies have wings, most don't. Winged fairies were only discovered in Victorian times. So it doesn't matter if you are of fairy royalty or not. You have to be of the right type to have wings and then it doesn't matter what social stratum you are from.

What is a good counter fairy deck?

If you mean a counter to a fairy deck is DNA surgery. It changes the type of all monsters on the field. Say the type is what your deck main monsters are. some counter fairies are Harvest angel of wisdom and Voltanis the adjucator.

How many kinds of fairies are in this world?

There is a distinctive type of fairy for every flowering plant that there is. For 'wee folk' associated with particular environments they are referred to as sprites.

How do you find a pixie?

Have you ever wondered how nature gets it's glow? Who gives it light and color, as the seasons come and go? ( that is from Disney Fairies and Walt Disney. I do not own that saying!) Fairies smell like the smallest bit of cinnamon. And pixies/fairies also like shiny objects. You can find fairies sleeping on maybe a leaf. If you want to attract a fairy, I'd recommend something like a fairy house with lots of shiny objects and cotton balls for pillows. That's the way I'd try to catch a fairy. But don't make him/her feel threatened ( if you catch one). And, you can also do some research about fairies by looking at fairy books.... Try eBay or other online shopping sites, then type in something like How to spot fairies books or other keywords.

What are fairies names?

Every type of fairy is dependent upon the type of flower that they inhabit and are named accordingly. So: buttercup, rose, apple blossom, peach blossom, golden rod......

How do you be a human and a fairy?

If you mean by fairy, those tiny little people with wings that leave star dust in their wake when they fly, then the answer is no. It is the writers opinion that fairy's as such do not exist only in fairy tales. Robert