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Lactic Acid Fermentation

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Q: What type of fermentation takes place in your muscles when you exercise vigorously?
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What type of fermentation takes place in your muscles during exercise?

Lactic Acid Fermentation

What type of fermentation takes place in your body muscles?

lactic acid fermentation

When does fermentation place in your muscles cell?

Fermentation take place in your muscle cell when there is a low supply of oxygen. This is mostly after long hours of workouts which strain the muscles.

What does fermentation in the muscles produce?

Lactic acid fermentation takes place in human muscle cells when strenuous exercise causes temporary oxygen shortages.

Where and why does lactic acid fermentation take place?

Lactic acid fermentation takes place in the mitochondria of muscle cells.

Which type of fermentation sometimes occurs in humans?

lactic acid fermentation takes place in the humanbeings during strenous exercise during which pyruvic acid is converted into lactic acid and further lactic acid (during cori cycle) will be converted back to pyruvate when cells get enough oxygen after the exercise.

Does vacuum packing stop the fermentation process?

No, fermentation takes place in any place or situation but in vacuum condition fermentation takes place in very slow pace

List the two type of fermentation and tell where each take place?

The two types of fermentation are alcoholic fermentation, and lactic-acid fermentation. Alcoholic fermentation, occurs in yeast and other single celled organisms. Lactic-acid fermentation occurs in muscle cells. Your muscles use it to create energy when there is not enough oxygen to use for normal respiration.

What does fermentation take place in?

what is the organelles that make alcoholic fermentation ?

Where does the fermentation process of cellular respiration take place in the cell?

Cellular respiration and fermentation are two different processes.

Where in the body does alcohol fermentation occur?

Alcoholic Fermentation does not occur in human bodies but rather in plant cells when they do not receive adequate amounts of the necessary amounts of nutrients and minerals. Lactic fermentation however occurs in human cells located in the cytoplasm after glycolysis.

What organelle does fermentation take place in?

fermentation occurs in the mitochondria actually.