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they eat nabils fat

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Q: What type of foods did the kalinagos eat?
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What did the kalinago eat?

according to what i have read , the kalinagos ate more roasted human flesh which is called cannibalism but apar from that they ate maize and fish

What were the different foods the Kalinagos ate?

cassava with agouti and maize

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What foods should I eat if I have blood type A?

Blood type A people are just the opposite of Blood type O people. You should avoid foods high in fat and eat low fat foods and eat more plant based type foods in your diet.

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Do not eat sugarie foods, nothing with alot of salt or sugar. Things with alot of salt or sugar can upset your stomache. Eat healthy foods for your blood type.

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What sorts of foods should someone with O blood type eat?

Someone with Type O should eat foods that are high in protein. Chicken, pork, beef, milk, beans, and nuts/seeds. These types of foods are best for Type O.

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As of now there is no solid proof that eating foods based on your blood type has any real benefit. It is best to eat a wellrounded diet of foods that are good for you.

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Chinese food :)