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Mostly seeds are good. But apples, spinach, and corn are also good for budgies. Also some grass seeds are good for parakeets also. Corn is especially good because it gives the parakeet good shiny feathers.

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12y ago
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12y ago

I keep ring necked parakeets, they like parakeet mixture, millet spray, sunflower seeds, peanuts, a mixture of fresh fruit too. There should be a good balance between seed and fruit. They like apple best but also pear and orange. Experiment on your bird to discover their favourites. Apple seems to be no.1 favourite. They also love broccoli stalk.

When feeding them fruit like apple, ALWAYS REMOVE the seeds. They are poisonous to the parakeet.

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15y ago

You should feed a parakeet birdseed, avalible at a local pet or grocery store. Some parakeets will eat fresh fruits and vegetables if you add them to the food, but others may not. It all depends on the parakeet. Don't forget to provide your little budgie ("budgie" is another name for a parakeet) with fresh water daily!

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13y ago

Parakeets can eat Bananas, Carrots and anything but alvocados because they are poisonous. When putting the carrot and/or banana in the food bowl, you have to make sure that its cut into small enough peaces so they could fit it into their mouth. After at least 3 hours, you need to take out the Banana and/or Carrot because after that time, they become poisonous. Also, if you go to PETCO or PETSMART, they will have the exact food made just for parakeets.

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12y ago

u can feed them Premium Gourmet

and if u want to give them a shower use



Bird Bath Spray

with Molt ease

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12y ago

they adore lettuce and almost all the veggies and fruits are good for them but their are some that are super bad for them

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15y ago

Bird Formula. It can be found at most petstores. You can use a spoon or a syringe. Thats easy,bird fooooooooooood. Thats easy,bird fooooooooooood.

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14y ago

Dogs, Cats, Ferrets, Rats, and hawks can probably kill & eat your parakeet, or seriously injure it. If any one of these scratch or bite your parakeet, GO TO THE VET IMMEDIATELY!

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Q: What type of foods do parakeets eat?
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