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Q: What type of government elects a small group of representatives to represent a larger group?
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What is the same government by popular consent or indirect democracy?

A government by popular consent or indirect democracy is a representative democracy in which a small group of people are chosen by election to represent a larger group that elects them.

How is each state represented in the us?

Senators - each state gets 2 senators regardless of how big/small the state is or how populated/unpopulated the state is. Representatives - each state gets representatives based on its population; highly populated state = many representatives, very unpopulated state = few representatives

How are members of the us congress elected?

Every state has exactly 2 US senators. They are each elected by the whole state. There are representatives in the House of Representatives, and the number of representatives is based on the various state populations. The larger the population of a state, the more representatives that state has. They represent various regions throughout the state, and the residents of a given region elects its representative.

Definetion of representitave form of Government?

can you tell me -what makes a good representive? -how can an mp represent all the people if they all believe in different things? The colonists elected representatives to their colonial legislatures. The first elected legislature was in virginia in 1619.

How do you use the word representative in a sentence?

I can give you several sentences.The committee sent representatives to the state meeting.The house of representatives is in Washington, DC.Representatives share the views of their group with a larger group.

Why is the house of representatives favored by the larger states?

The House of Representatives is favored by larger states because the number of representatives in the House for each state is decided by the states' population. This means that larger states have more representatives. Therefore, they will have more votes and a bigger influence.

What does the council fire represent in this passage from the Iroquois Constitutio?

The council fire in the Iroquois Constitution is a way of describing local village governments. Representatives of the local council fires attend larger council fires to represent the local interests of their people.

What did the states with small population want?

The states with small population wanted the same amount of representatives in the government. The states with larger population wanted to have more say in the government because they had more people. So they compromised and Then there were 2 houses of government.

Does each state has the same number of US Representatives?

No, not in the House of Representatives. The number of representatives from each state is directly based on the population. States with larger populations like California have 53 (I'm pretty sure) representatives. Whereas states with smaller populations like Alaska (which, ironically, is our largest state by size) have only 1. This differs from the Senate in which each state has exactly 2 senators to represent them.

Why does California have more representatives in the US House of Representatives than Delaware?

why does California have more representatives in the U.s. House of representatives than Delaware?

What states have the most representatives?

The states with the larger population.

What is the smaller object that are built to represent the detail of larger objects?

The smaller objects which are built to represent the larger objects are called Model