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Q: What type of grain is used with corn flakes?
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What is grain corn?

Corn grain id ground up corn.If you were a redneck,you'd know that

What are confectioners corn flakes used in?

Confectioners corn flakesAvailable in coarse, medium and fine granulations. These very thin and light corn flakes are milled from yellow corn grits with no additives. Used to give a light, flaky texture, as in "Japanese-type" breading.

Is cornbread a vegetable?

No, cornbread is a bread or grain product. The corn used to make cornbread is dried and ground into flour, with nutritional properties quite different from the immature, moist "corn" eaten as a vegetable.

What crop did pueblo Indian grow?

Corn, beans, squash, herbs, fruit, nuts, and sunflowers

What crop in Mississippi resembles corn?

Mississippi grows significant quantities of corn used for grain.

Is corn a type of bean?

Yes.Botanically speaking grasses are members of the family Poaceae. The taxonomy for "corn" (maize) is:Kingdom Plantae, class Liliopsida, order Poales, family Poaceae, genus Zea, species vary.

Is Barley Feed the same as yellow Corn?

Barley is a cereal grain that is important in livestock nutrition. It is also used in regional dishes and as fermenting material for beer. Yellow corn is another cereal grain, but it is generally referred to as sweet corn and used in human cooking; whereas, seed corn, which is also yellow, is used as livestock feed.

What type of corn is used to make corn syrup?

the type that grows out of the ground........?

What other products besides corn syrup that corn can be made into?

cornmeal, cornstarch, tortillas, corn chips, whisky, etc. The cobs have often been used to make corncob pipes. The husks are used to wrap tamales and could be used as wrapping for other foods during cooking.

What grain is used to make cereals?

soy, rice, wheat, and corn are some of them.

What grains are grown in Virginia?

Wheat and soybeans are the main grain cash crops. I have seen corn fields but I think the grain is used locally as feed.

Masa the dough traditionally used by Mexicans to make tortillas is made from the flour of which grain?

ummmm whoever posted this question do you just type in questions from our social studies homework cuz that's what I do and I have this exact same question I don't know the answer I think its corn because corn is a grain not a vegetable so ya......GO CARDINALS!