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Q: What type of lightning strikes within one cloud?
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Does lighting hit something everytime it strikes?

Lightning does not hit something every time it strikes. There are various forms of lightning. Lightning that is classified as "cloud to ground" lightning will strike something in it's path. Another form of lightning is sheet lightning. This type of lighting illuminates the sky and spreads from cloud to cloud.

Type of lightning that branches across the sky?

cloud to cloud lightning

What is sky lightning called?

Cloud flashes. Spider lightening is the type of cloud flash that you can visibly see outside of the cloud.

What type of clouds would most likely result in hail and lightning?

The most likely type of cloud that would result in hail and lightning would be the nimbous cloud.

What is the most dangerous type of lightning?

I hope this is helpful... ... the most dangerous type of lightning is cloud to ground lightning. see was that so bad

What is the most dangerous type of thunder?

Thunder is not dangerous; it is merely sound. It is lightning that is dangerous. The most dangerous type is cloud-to-ground lightning.

What type of cloud can produce hail lightning storms and tornadoes?

Cumulonimbus clouds.

What are the three different types of lighting?

I presume it is lightning the question ask.Most common 3 type of lightning are as followedCloud-to-Ground LightningGround-to-Cloud LightningCloud-to-Cloud LightningThere are also misc. type of lightning beyond these 3 common type.

How is a cumulonimbus cloud different from other clouds?

Cumulonimbus is the largest type of cloud. It is the only cloud that is tall enough to occupy low, medium and high heights. It is also the only (weather related) cloud that can form hail and lightning. Lightning can also be created in volcanic ash clouds, but they are not a weather related cloud.

What type of weather does a cumulonimbus cloud forecast?

rain, storm, lightning, thunder, and sometimes windy

When lightning strikes you can see the light energy being produced. What type of energy produces the thunder?

Heating of the air.

Why doesn't lightning always happen?

Lightning only happens when a type of cloud gets too close to the ground. It zaps the tallest objects first.