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Q: What type of lymphocytes inject toxic chemicals into cells?
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Lymphocytes that act directly on antigens to destroy them or produce chemicals that are toxic to them called?

Lymphocytes that act directly on antigens to destroy them or produce chemicals that are toxic to them are called T4 cells. They are also known as T helper cells.

How does alcohol affect your white blood cells?

White blood cells serve as the body's internal defense system. One type of white blood cells are the lymphocytes. These fight and produce antibodies. Alcohol hinders the production of these white blood cells. Without the proper amount of lymphocytes, it makes it difficult for the body to fight toxic chemicals and foreign substances. This can lead to an increased risk of sickness and disease.

Is chemotherapy a virus?

No, it is a form of cancer treatment which uses toxic chemicals to kill cancer cells.

Why we should not expose our sex cells to x-raysradiationor toxic chemicals?

Increased mutation rate.

Perforins are cytolytic chemicals used by NK cells?

Perforins are pore-forming proteins released by natural killer (NK) cells to induce apoptosis in target cells. They create holes in the cell membrane, leading to osmotic lysis and cell death. This mechanism helps NK cells eliminate virus-infected or abnormal cells.

Which animals are affected by toxic chemicals?

All animals are affected by toxic chemicals.

Do toxic chemicals help bacteria to grow?

No, toxic chemicals typically inhibit or kill bacteria rather than helping them grow. Toxic chemicals can disrupt bacterial cell membranes, inhibit essential cellular processes, or damage genetic material, leading to decreased bacterial growth and survival.

Which chemicals are toxic?

There are too many to name. Assume all chemicals in lab are toxic.

Toxic Chemicals In A Sentence?

Toxic chemicals are harmful substances that can cause adverse health effects when exposed to humans or the environment.

Do all toxic chemicals have both local and systemic effects?

Do all toxic chemicals have both local and systemic effects

How do you toxic in a sentence?

That liquid is toxic, so don't drink it. The toxic chemicals spilled into the stream.

Are pool chemicals toxic for pets?

Be very careful of pool chemicals as they are toxic to all pets. A lot of chemicals are safe once diluted but not everything is safe.