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All sugars (carbohydrate) have this ratio:CH2O so the H:O ratio is2:1

In proteines however there is (in mean values) less oxygen and more nitrogen:
C1.0H1.8O0.5N0.2 , so H to O ratio is 3.6 to 1

Glycerol is C3H8O3 so the H:O ratio is 8:3 (2.7 : 1)

In most lipids (triacyl glycerides) there are only 6 O atoms to Cn+3 and H2n+1 with n usually more than12 , sothe H:O ratio is more than 4:1

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Q: What type of molecule of the ratio of hydrogen to oxygen usually 2 to 1 in lipid protein carbohydrate or glycerol?
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