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Molecules that are polar(charged) dissolve best in water, while nonpolar molecules do not dissolve well in water.

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Polar molecules are mixed well with water.

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Q: What type of molecules mix the best with water?
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What molecules in membranes allow lipids and water to mix?

the answer is that it is luck

What is a cell membrane awnser at a 5th grade level?

A cell membrane is basically a double layer of lipids (fat molecules) with a bunch of proteins in it. Each fat molecule has two molecular "tails" that don't mix with water (just like oil doesn't) and one extremity that does. Because of this characteristic the part that does mix with water is facing outward (cells are immersed in water environments) or inward (cells are mostly water on the inside) and the double "tails" are sandwiched on the inside, there they don't come into contact with water, only with eachother and other molecules that don't mix well with water. There are basically two types of protein that are found in the membrane: - some that cross all the way through, called 'transmembrane'. These are able to do this because they, like the double layer of positionally opposite fat molecules, have one part that doesn't mix with water and two parts that do. Membrane pores for instance would be of this type. - Some that are on the periphery of the double layer, either on the outer part or inner part, called 'peripheral proteins'. These mix with water and consequently they also mix well enough with molecules that mix with water.

When placed in the same container oil and water do no mix because?

oil is lighter than water so the oil floats on the water. you can prove it by shaking a bottle with water and oil and shake it then leave it overnight then check it and you'll see why oil and water don't mix .

Do molecules that contain only carbon and hydrogen mix easily with water?

I am not a chemist, so I can't give you the "chemical" reason, but I would think that do NOT mix easily with water. My reasoning is that molecules that contain only hydrogen and carbon are called "hydrocarbons", and a very common hydrocarbon is oil. Oil does not mix with water, so I assume that the answer to your question is no.

What does water not mix with?

Water and oil are immiscible. They do not mix, because they cannot form any chemical bonds together; The oil molecules have no electrical charge and are hydrophobic, or "afraid of water".

Related questions

What molecule would mix best with water?

Polar Molecules

What would mix the best with water non polar molecules polar molecules fatty molecules symmetrical molecules?

Polar molecules are mixed better with water.

What molecules will mix with water?

Water soluble molecules.

What is the relationship between oil and water?

The relationship is that they do not mix. The molecules in water are attracted to each other and will not mix with the oil molecules which are also attracted to each other and therefore will not mix with the water molecules

Why do oil and water hate each other?

Water is polar while oils are non-polar. Molecules that are polar will mix with other polar molecules, and non-polar molecules will mix with other non-polar molecules. Polar and non-polar molecules will not mix.

What type of molecules interact with water polar or nonpolar?

Polar. Just think of this, oil is non polar, oil doesnt mix with water.

Water and nonpolar molecules do not easliy mix?

Water and oil doesn't mix because the water is a polar molecule and oil is a non-polar molecule. There will always be more molecules of water than oil.

How the nonpolar character of oil molecules helps when removing oil from water?

Oil molecules are nonpolar, so they will not mix with polar water molecules. This characteristic helps when removing oil from water using nets and floating barriers is that oil molecules won't mix with water molecules and the oil molecules float. Because oil floats on water, the oil can be skimmed off the top of the water.

What molecules in membranes allow lipids and water to mix?

the answer is that it is luck

What type of water is best to mix with coolant?

distilled water and antifreeze - usually 50/50 mix - up to 60 % antifreeze in cold climates for Ford Vehicles

What is the type of reaction of soap and water removing oil or fat from object?

the rule of thumb for liquids is that liquids with polar molecules (water, vinegar) will mix with each other, and liquids with non-polar molecules (oil, grease, ) will mix with each other but they will not mix with each other. soap is made up of long chain molecules which are polar at one end and non-polar at the other, so they bridge the gap and bond up with a water molecule at one end and an oil molecule at the other allowing the oil molecules to be washed away with the water.

Describe what happens in osmosis?

when you mix something such as, sugar or salt, with water, you lower the concentration of water molecules