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Q: What type of muscle contraction occurs when the bicep performs flexion?
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What is a concentric contraction?

concentric contraction is atype of muscle contraction which the muscle shortens while genrating aforce The muscle shortens to produce movement. A muscle contraction in which shortening occurs.

What muscle contraction occurs in the biceps brachii during the upward phase of the bicep curl?

a concentric contraction- a concentric contraction involves the muscle length, shortening during a contraction! YA-trick-YA!

What is a sustained muscle contraction?

Occurs when acetylcholine (ACh) accumulates in the neuromuscular junction. It is called a tetanic contraction.

When a muscle contraction occurs?

your muscles moves, moving ligaments and tendons

Uncontrolled muscle contractions the same as skeletal muscle contractions?

Uhh, no uncontrolled muscle contraction occurs in smooth and cardiac muscles... there are many differences between these two types of muscles; controlled and uncontrolled muscle contraction.....

What type of muscle contraction occurs when force is exerted against an immovable object?


Where does plantar flexion occur?

Plantar flexion occurs in your feet.

What kind of muscle contraction occurs in the rectums femoris during the lowering phase of a wall squat?


A muscle is stimulated and exhibits a contraction twitch Before this twitch is over it is stimulated again and a second twitch occurs piggyback on the first one and causes a higher contraction?


Contraction in a muscle occurs because the?

thin filaments slide between the thick filaments Answer #2: Because the action potential reaches the end of the nerve, causing contraction. myofilaments increase the amount that they overlap

What happens when summation occurs in cardiac muscle?

Basic muscle summation -an increase in the frequency with which a muscle is stimulated increases the strength of contraction. With increased stimuli to the heart if summation occurred the contractions would keep increasing.