

What type of mutation is never a frame shift mutation?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: What type of mutation is never a frame shift mutation?
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What is the type of mutation that shifts the reading frame of the genetic message by inserting or deleting a nucleotide?

A frame-shift mutation.

Does frame shift mutation affect hemophilia?

Frame shift mutations that occur on the X chromosome and within the potion of code that controls the formation of clotting factors can cause hemophilia. Frame shift mutations are only one of many types of mutations that can cause the disorder. For hemophilia it's not so much the type of mutation but the location of the mutation within the genetic code.

What type of mutation results in a gene change in the body's reproductive cells?

Generally, a germ line mutation or sex cell mutation. Could be anything from a point mutation, one amino acid difference, to a whole frame shift mutation.

What type of mutation result when bases are added to gene?

Frame shift mutation occurs when a new codon in inserted. Point mutations occurs when one base, sometimes two, are inserted.

What type of mutation results when bases are added to the gene?

This is called an insertion mutation.Some repeats, such as the repeats in the Huntington's gene, can be repeated too many times and then you have the deleterious mutation in this gene.

Which type of mutation results in abnormal acid sequence?

A point mutation causes a change in the amino acid sequence creating a new type of protein. The mutations are categorized functionally as nonsense, missense and silent mutations.

Name two major types of mutations?

Frameshift mutations and Point mutations. The difference between the two are that point mutations occur at a single point in the DNA sequence and frameshift mutations shift the "reading frame" of the genetic message.

What are 4 type of mutation?

Four types of chromosomal mutations include substitution, insertion, deletion, and frame shift. These mutations can be either positive of negative to the organism.

Which kind of mutation has greater potential to affect the evolution of a population Explain?

A frame-shift mutation has greater potential to affect the evolution of a population because it can alter the entire reading frame of a gene, leading to a non-functional protein. This can result in significant changes to an organism's phenotype, potentially affecting its survival and reproduction, and thereby influencing the population's evolution.

What is the type of mutation that causes hemophilia?

There is no single type of mutation that causes Hemophilia A. It is not the type of mutation but rather the location of the mutation within the genetic code.

What type of mutation is albinism?

It is a mutation/