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Frame shift mutations that occur on the X chromosome and within the potion of code that controls the formation of clotting factors can cause hemophilia. Frame shift mutations are only one of many types of mutations that can cause the disorder. For hemophilia it's not so much the type of mutation but the location of the mutation within the genetic code.

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Q: Does frame shift mutation affect hemophilia?
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What is never a frameshift mutation?

Substitution is not ever a frame shift mutation. However, insertion, point mutation, and deletion are all examples of a frame shift mutation.

What type of mutation is responsible of new variations of a trait?

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Why is point mutation dangerous?

A frame shift mutation destroys the correct sequence of amino acids from the point of the mutation. The protein produced by a frame shift mutation would more than likely be nonfunctional.

How many nucleotides would cause a frame shift mutation?

Adding or subtracting just one nucleotide would cause a frame shift mutation.

What is the type of mutation that shifts the reading frame of the genetic message by inserting or deleting a nucleotide?

A frame-shift mutation.

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Which of the following is a point mutation that does not produce a frame shift?

A point mutation that does not produce a frame shift is when one single base is replaced by a different base. This changes the DNA sequence, but does not cause a frame shift because it is a switch not an addition or subtraction of a base.

Causes a shift in the reading codons by one base?

A deletion causing a frame shift mutation.

When does a reading frame shift occur?

When a addition or deletion mutation occurs, changing the reading frame.

How point mutation frame shift mutation and meiosis contribute to genetic variation?

Nicely. Do your project on your own!

Would a point mutation or a frame shift mutation more likely produce a neutral mutation?

A point shift mutation is more likely to produce a neutral reaction. This is because it involves a change in one nucleotide. A frame shift mutation is more deleterious because it involves the insertion or deletion of multiple base pairs within a gene's coding sequence.

Which kind of mutation is most likely to produce a protein with one extra amino acid?

A frameshift mutation