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14y ago

P-Waves are the fastest seismic wave.

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Q: What type of ocean wave moves the fastest?
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What type of wave moves the fastest?

Light wave travels fastest in air Sound wave travels fastest in solid or liquid

What is the fastest seismic wave that moves back and forth?

The fastest seismic wave that also moves back and forth is the P-wave.

What type of wave is the fastest?

The fastest wave is the electromagnetic wave. Of the seismic waves, the P-wave is the fastest seismic wave.

A portion of the ocean floor moves rapidly downward what type of wave would you expect?


Why is an ocean wave classified as a surface wave?

The energy moves, not the water

Why is a ocean wave classified as a surface wave?

The energy moves, not the water

What is the fastest type of siesmic wave?

Primary Wave (P wave)

What are p and s waveswhich one moves faster and ehat types of material can each go through?

The p wave is a pressure wave after a earthquake and it travels the fastest. An s wave is a wave that moves side to side and is second fastest. Bouth types of waves can go though all material but at different speeds. The denser the material the faster is gose generally. The last wave type is a L wave and it is a rolling wave that is also the slowest wave.

What type of energy wave moves the fastest?

Some kinds of waves move at the speed of light - notably light itself, and other electromagnetic waves.

What is the type of seismic wave that arrives at the surface first and moves by compressing and expanding the ground like an accordion?

Those are the P-waves, which are the fastest and weakest.

A portion of the ocean floor moves rapidly downward what type of wave would it produce?

Such a displacement of water could lead to a tsunami also known as a seismic sea wave.

Which type of wave travels the fastest?

Electromagnetic waves travel the fastest, at the speed of light in a vacuum, 3.0 x 108 m/s.