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It depends on the cat. Some have very sweet dispositions and some do not. There really is no way of knowing what a cat's personality is going to be like.

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Q: What type of personalities do tortoiseshell cats have?
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Related questions

What do tortoiseshell cats eat?

Cat food!!!! Tortoiseshell cats eat just the same as all other cats.

What RiverClan cats are tortoiseshell?

Willowbreeze and Heathershine are RiverClan cats that are tortoiseshell in coloration.

How are the fur patterns of tortoiseshell cats and tabby cats different?

Well, tortoiseshell cats' fur are in dappling patterns, sort of all blended together, and tabby cats' are usually in stripes.

Are tortoiseshell cats aggressive?

No by what I am aware tortoiseshell cats are not aggressive.

What country are tortoiseshell cats from?

Tortoiseshell is a specific coat pattern and color. Some breeds of cats may naturally have this, but it tends to show up in mixed breed or "barn" cats. They can be found in any country that has a feral population of cats.

Are tortoiseshell cats female or male?

A tortoiseshell cat is a coat color where the cat is a molted brown cat with black, reddish, or orange patches. They can also have white paws. Tortoiseshell cats have unique genetics. The vast majority of tortoiseshell cats are female, because two X chromosomes are required to produce black, gold and orange coloring. Male cats only have one X and one Y chromosome, so technically it's genetically almost impossible for a male to inherit the tortoiseshell coloring. A male tortoiseshell has an extra X chromosome, making it an XXY. According to a study by the College of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Missouri, only 1 in 3000 tortoiseshell cats is male.

Why are tortoiseshell toms so rare?

b/c all Tortoiseshell cats are born as females. It is just part of the breed.

Was Redtail a tortoiseshell?

No, Redtail was a ginger tomcat with a distinctive red tail. Tortoiseshell cats have a coat pattern with a mix of black and orange colors.

Can tortoiseshell cats eat human food?

human food

Do Tortoiseshell cats have a tendency to gain weight?

Tortoiseshell cats are not predisposed to gain weight more than any other breed of domesticated cat. All cats will gain weight if fed too much food and not are inactive.

Are tortoiseshell cats friendly?

I have a tortoiseshell cat, and she is fairly friendly... well, she doesn't scratch me or bite me unless she is really freaked out, although she also tends not to like my younger sibling and her friends, but they're all really loud. I, however, can't speak for everyone, I'm sure there are some tortoiseshell cats that aren't friendly at all. 'Tortoiseshell' is just the color of their fur, I think there can be friendly and not so friendly tortoiseshell cats, but I know mine isn't mean.

Are tortoiseshell cats warm-blooded or cold-blooded?
