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What you call a pull apart rift zone is what is called a divergent boundary. Most divergent zones are located under water and are a zone where new oceanic crust is born. One location where a divergent zone can be seen on land can be found in Iceland.

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Q: What type of plate boundary is associated with a pull-apart rift zone?
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What plate boundary is associated with a pull apart rift zone?


Pull apart rift zones are associated with plate boundary?

divergent plate boundries

Is Mount Kilimanjaro on a hot spot?

No. It is associated with the East African Rift, a developing divergent plate boundary.

What type of plate boundary forms rift valleys?

A divergent plate boundary.

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divergent boundary

The formation of The East African Rift Valley is associated with what kind of boundary?

The East African Rift is a divergent plate boundary. It is a divergent plate boundary because the land is being split apart. The East African Rift is the initial stage in the break up of a continent. If the rifting continues, a linear sea will develop. If rifting continues a full fledged ocean will develop.

What type of plate boundary created the East African Rift Valley?

The East African Rift is on the African plate. However, it is the point where this plate is splitting into two. These are the Somali plate and the Nubian plate. For more information visit,

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No, that would be a divergent plate boundary where a rift valley forms.

Ol Doinyo Lengai on a hot spot?

No. Ol Doinyo Lengai is associate with an area of rifting in Africa, which is a developing divergent plate boundary.

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