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CO2 emissions form cars, oils and chemicals that go down the drain, garbage in rivers, and much more.

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Q: What type of pollution do people cause?
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Is population a pollution?

Population could be considered a cause of pollution because the more people there are, the more waste produced and resources used, causing pollution. But no, it is not a type of pollution.

what type of air pollution coul cause corrosion?

Type of air pollution coul cause corrosion is dirt

How do people cause water pollution?

People cause water pollution from throwing garbage and other things into the water. Also, oil and other chemicals cause pollution.

Can vacant lots cause pollution?

A vacant lot can cause pollution because people trough their garbage there.

How festivals can be a cause of pollution?

hey !!actually it depends on what type of festival it is..for eg. if its Diwali then it creates huge amount of pollution due to people bursting many types of crackers its holi then its due to the colors that contains chemical but people still buy them..This are just a few egs of how festivals can be the cause of pollution..

What is 5 ways human can cause pollution?

Human can cause pollution by trash throwing trash in the lake or on the ground or by in type of fuels or smoke or gas in the air this is call air pollution but smoking and gas form disels can cause pollution and can be bad for the ecosystem and they can also cause it by throwing all the trash they throw down on the ground help people and stop throwing trash on the ground.

What are some of the effects of water pollution on the earth?

some effects of water pollution on earth is that some people can get sick and end up with some type of disease. water pollution also helps cause global warming.

Do pollution cause oil spills?

No those are accidents-pollution is just irresponsible people

Do people cause pollution with smoking?

Yes, they do, and it is a particularly toxic pollution that can cause a variety of ailments including heart disease and lung cancer.

Does nuclear waste cause ocean pollution?

Nuclear waste pollution can cause people and animals to suffer and most likely die from its poisons

What does astma have to do withair pollution?

Some people say air pollution is a cause of astma, things like car fumes could possiby cause it.

Why occurs pollution?

Pollution occurs when a substance is introduced into a waterway, soil, or air that is not a natural component. People are the cause of a majority of pollution problems.