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Q: What type of protein would the body make in order to heal a wound?
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Why wrap wound towards heart?

In order to autotransfuse blood towards the core, as opposed to expressing blood out of the body by increasing pressure above the wound.

What happens to you without protein?

protein is responsible for building and repairing body tissue so if you did not have any protein you body tissue would die and not repair.

Clear liquid from a wound?

Blood plasma, I believe. Your body sends the fluid to the wound in order to help heal it, and excess liquid leaks out. Its nothing to worry about unless its yellowish or there is also pus. That would be a sign of infection, and you should get it cleaned.

Which process would the human body use to heal a skin wound?


What part of your body would be high in protein?


What part of the body would be high in protein?

The parts of an animal which yield the richest sources of protein are generally found in the areas of the body related to locomotion.

Is the word wound a noun?

No. yes. because a wound is a thing on your body

A protein bonded to a fat would be classified as a?

A protein bonded to a fat would be classified as a lipoprotein. This is a fatty acid binding protein the body can used these molecules as a source of energy.

What happens when you strave yourself?

When you are starving yourself, you are receiving any nutrients that you body needs to stay healthy. You body needs protein and when you do not eat, your body will start to destroy the muscle cells in order to release protein to give your body energy.

Why do the body need protein synthesis while the body is also synthesis protein?

why does the body need protein synthesis while the also synthesis protein?

Why doesn't the body store protein?

The body does store protein. Muscles are made almost entirely of protein, and when the body has a serious protein shortage, it can obtain protein from its muscles (which shrink accordingly).

Are protein supplements healthy for body builders?

It would depend what type of protein supplements that body builders take. Some supplements are unhealthy due to the amount of chemicals that are in the supplements.