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Q: What type of rock is likely to form an earthquake zone?
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What type of rock is most likely to form in an earthquake zone?

Sedimentary rocks are most likely to form in earthquake zones because they are easily broken, shifted, and compacted by the tectonic forces associated with earthquakes. These rocks can be fractured and deformed as a result of the intense pressure and movement during seismic events.

What type of rock is most likely to form a transform boundary?

Metamorphic rock

What type of rock is most likely to form at a transform boundary?

Rocks that form at transform boundaries are typically fault rocks, such as fault breccia and mylonite. These rocks are characterized by intense deformation due to the shearing forces present at transform boundaries.

What type of rock will the metamorphic rock most likely transform into?

Metamorphic rocks can transform into other metamorphic rocks through the process of recrystallization under high pressure and temperature conditions. The specific type of rock it transforms into will depend on the composition of the original rock and the conditions of metamorphism.

An earthquake causes metamorphic rock deep inside a mountain to be pushed up to the mountains surface What type of rock will the metamorphic rock most likely transform into next?

The metamorphic rock will most likely transform into sedimentary rock next. The uplifting process will expose the rock to erosion and weathering, breaking it down into sediments that will then be deposited and lithified to form sedimentary rock.

What type of rock is likely to form next when extrusive igneous rock is broken down by wheathering?

its a cambrela rock

What type of rock is likely to form next when extrusive igneous rock is broken down by weathering?

Sedimentary rock is likely to form next when extrusive igneous rock is broken down by weathering. Weathering breaks down the igneous rock into sediment, which then undergoes compaction and cementation to form sedimentary rock over time.

What type is rock is likely to form next when extrusive igneous rock is broken down by weathering?


What factors affect how much damage results from an earthquake?

Rock density Rock structure Type of rock Geographic location How strong the earth quake Type of earthquake

IS earthquake an rock move in soul silver?

no, earthquake is a ground type attack.

What type of rock forms when material from dead plants and animals is deposited and hardens to rock?

The form of rock that comes is most likely to be Petrified Wood which is the the type of rock that has leaf indentations left from long ago.

If a lava flow at Earth's surface had a basaltic composition what rock type would the flow likely turn into upon solidification?

The lava flow would likely solidify into basalt rock, which is a fine-grained igneous rock with a composition similar to the original basaltic lava.