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Rome had a monarchy for 144 years, followed by a republic for 482 years, and by personal rule by one man for 503 years. Historians have called the personal ruler emperor, but the Romans did not use this term. They have also divided the period of personal rule into the Principate (personal rule presented as benign) which lasted for 311 years, and a Dominate (a more autocratic personal rule) which lasted for 192 years.

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11y ago
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the rulership that the Roman Empire had was called the republic.

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10y ago

During the Roman Republic it was the two annually elected consuls who headed it. During the period of rule by emperors it was the emperors.

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11y ago

The Romans had three types of rulerships. The monarchy, the republic and the principate.

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11y ago

Over the course of history Rome had three types of rule: 144 years of monarchy (853-509 BC) 482 years of republic (509-27 BC) and 503 years of rule by emperors (27 BC-476 AD).

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go die in a hole!

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Q: What type of ruler ship ancient rome did an have?
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What was the type of government where power rest with the people during the roman empire?

Ancient Rome never had a type of government where power rested with the people. Such a type of government was found only in the Athenian Democracy.

What was romes new weapon that lashed ships together?

The new weapon that Rome used to lash ships together was called "the Claw" and was invented by Marcus Agrippa. It had, as the name suggests, a claw-type business end which was attached to secured ropes. It was fired at the opposing ship by means of a catapult of some type and the claw end would stick into the timbers of the target ship. It also had a metal binding a long enough distance from the claw so the enemies could not cut the cable and set themselves free.The new weapon that Rome used to lash ships together was called "the Claw" and was invented by Marcus Agrippa. It had, as the name suggests, a claw-type business end which was attached to secured ropes. It was fired at the opposing ship by means of a catapult of some type and the claw end would stick into the timbers of the target ship. It also had a metal binding a long enough distance from the claw so the enemies could not cut the cable and set themselves free.The new weapon that Rome used to lash ships together was called "the Claw" and was invented by Marcus Agrippa. It had, as the name suggests, a claw-type business end which was attached to secured ropes. It was fired at the opposing ship by means of a catapult of some type and the claw end would stick into the timbers of the target ship. It also had a metal binding a long enough distance from the claw so the enemies could not cut the cable and set themselves free.The new weapon that Rome used to lash ships together was called "the Claw" and was invented by Marcus Agrippa. It had, as the name suggests, a claw-type business end which was attached to secured ropes. It was fired at the opposing ship by means of a catapult of some type and the claw end would stick into the timbers of the target ship. It also had a metal binding a long enough distance from the claw so the enemies could not cut the cable and set themselves free.The new weapon that Rome used to lash ships together was called "the Claw" and was invented by Marcus Agrippa. It had, as the name suggests, a claw-type business end which was attached to secured ropes. It was fired at the opposing ship by means of a catapult of some type and the claw end would stick into the timbers of the target ship. It also had a metal binding a long enough distance from the claw so the enemies could not cut the cable and set themselves free.The new weapon that Rome used to lash ships together was called "the Claw" and was invented by Marcus Agrippa. It had, as the name suggests, a claw-type business end which was attached to secured ropes. It was fired at the opposing ship by means of a catapult of some type and the claw end would stick into the timbers of the target ship. It also had a metal binding a long enough distance from the claw so the enemies could not cut the cable and set themselves free.The new weapon that Rome used to lash ships together was called "the Claw" and was invented by Marcus Agrippa. It had, as the name suggests, a claw-type business end which was attached to secured ropes. It was fired at the opposing ship by means of a catapult of some type and the claw end would stick into the timbers of the target ship. It also had a metal binding a long enough distance from the claw so the enemies could not cut the cable and set themselves free.The new weapon that Rome used to lash ships together was called "the Claw" and was invented by Marcus Agrippa. It had, as the name suggests, a claw-type business end which was attached to secured ropes. It was fired at the opposing ship by means of a catapult of some type and the claw end would stick into the timbers of the target ship. It also had a metal binding a long enough distance from the claw so the enemies could not cut the cable and set themselves free.The new weapon that Rome used to lash ships together was called "the Claw" and was invented by Marcus Agrippa. It had, as the name suggests, a claw-type business end which was attached to secured ropes. It was fired at the opposing ship by means of a catapult of some type and the claw end would stick into the timbers of the target ship. It also had a metal binding a long enough distance from the claw so the enemies could not cut the cable and set themselves free.

What were the Greek and Roman ideas of government?

Ancient Rome had a strong government in which there were many branches and a leader. Like Ancient Greece, Rome used a democracy as a type of government. Other parts of Rome might have used a Dictatorship, where one leader makes all the choices for everyone. As we have today, the ancient Romans had a Senate. We actually based our government off of theirs. So if you are unsatisfied with my answer(submitted by an 11 year old girl) you might want to search our government. Maybe that'll help.

What were the two main social groups in rome?

There were seven social classes in ancient Rome. they were the patricians, plebeians, the equites, the proletariat, the freedmen, the slaves and foreigners. The last "class" the foreigners, were not Roman but many of them lived in the city and did not fit in with any Roman class.

What is Romes type of government?

Rome is the capital of Italy and Italy is a democracy.

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What type of goverment does rome have?

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CAts were not a symbol of ancient rome,they were symbols in ancient EgyptActually the cat did have a symbol in Ancient Rome, the cat was the symbol of libertySorry I meant to type down that it was a symbol of liberty

What type of ruler ship did acinet Mali have?

i don't know. That's i ask you.

Could women allowed to be emperors in ancient Rome?

No. Any type of politics was strictly a man's job. However that is not to say that there were not strong willed women who helped create emperors or controlled them.AnswerPerhaps not in Rome, but during the time of Caesar, the emperor of Rome, Cleopatra was effectively the ruler of Egypt.

What type of govement did Ancient Rome have?

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What is a galley?

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What was a government made up of two houses called in ancient Rome?

There was not a name for a government made up of two houses in ancient Rome because Rome did not have this type of government.

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In Ancient Rome which type of assembly could declare war?
