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Q: What type of symmetry or body plan does a hummingbird exhibit?
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What kind of body plan do most animal phyla exhibit?

Most animal phyla exhibit bilateral symmetry, where the body can be divided into two mirror-image halves along a single plane. This body plan is thought to have evolved for efficient movement and coordination in organisms.

What phylum is most primitive?

Porifera (sponges) is considered one of the most primitive phyla because they lack true tissues and organs, and exhibit a simple body plan without symmetry.

What type of symmetry are sponges?

an asymmetrical body plan

Which body plan feature evolved first radial symmetry or deuterostome development?

Radial symmetry

What is a body plan with no symmetry?

small black animals but not tadpoles

Body plan of a hookworm?

hookworms have bilateral symmetry

What is a body plan with 1 line of symmetry and the two halves are mirror images called?

bilateral symmetry

What are facts about bilateral symmetry?

A body plan in which an organism can be divided along only one plan of their body to produce 2 mirror images.

An animal that is irregular in shape has a body plan that exhibits what type of symmetry?


Is a maple tree a symmetrical body plan?

Trees have roughly radial symmetry.

What kind of symmetry does the earthworm have?

bilateral symmetry- body plan in which an animal that can be dinided into 2 equal sdes.

Jellyfish have a body plan that is described by biologists by?

Radial symmetry is how biologist describe a jellyfish's body plan. It means that the body parts radiate from a central axis.Jellyfish have body types that are dubbed coelenterate, which means they have a body that looks like a sac. They have no real bones or skeleton in their bodies.