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I usually see squirrels around my neighborhood. They usually look for nuts in my walnut tree. Then, when they have their nuts, they run to my oak tree in my front yard. I say they usually live in any tree that isn't taken from something else. In my walnut tree, I have a gray squirrel already living in my front yard.

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12y ago
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15y ago

Trees help raccoons with food, shelter, and protection.

Food: Trees can directly provide food in the case of fruit and nut trees. However, they also feed raccoons indirectly by providing birds and eggs in the branches, as well as food in the leaf litter such as snails.

Shelter: It is common for raccoons to reside in hollowed out logs, standing tree hollows, and temporarily under exposed root systems.

Protection: climbing and swimming are the raccoon's most common escape mechanisms. Trees provide an easy escape from dogs and their wild relatives.

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14y ago

A tree that offers ready, safe access to food and that includes safe, comfortable living conditions for setting up a home is what tree squirrels [Sciuridae family] look for.

In terms of food, tree squirrels prefer access to nutssuch as acorns, almonds, hickories, osage Oranges, and walnuts. In terms of fruits and vegetables, they look to avocados, cherries, corn, oranges, Pears, strawberries, and tomatoes. But they also consider such 'Plan B' food sources as tree buds, blossoms and bark; insects; and animal matter.

In terms of living conditions, tree squirrels like the safety of cavities or hollows in tree trunks. But they make do by enlarging abandoned flicker or woodpecker holes. They also turn to building their balloon shaped, spherical nests of bark, leaves and sticks high up in trees with dense foliage and sturdy, tall branches.

Whether the particular tree choice is hardwood or conifer depends upon the type of tree squirrel. Generally, the favored trees are pines, oaks, maples, and hickories. Specifically, the Douglas [Tamiasciurus douglasii] and the tassel eared tree [Sciurus aberti] squirrels favor such conifers as jack or Ponderosa pines. But they give serious consideration to paper birch trees.

Eastern [Sciurus carolinensis] and Western [Sciurus griseus] gray squirrels prefer clusters of oak trees or areas of mixed oak and pine trees.

Flying [Pteromyini or Petauristini tribe] squirrels like their tree homes near bluebird nests and boxes. That means oak trees before the ravages of the Gypsy moth caterpillar and Sudden oak tree decline. But they accept many tree homes that meet their carnivorous appetites for bird eggs and nestlings.

Fox [Sciurus niger] squirrels prefer hickory and oak trees in the western United States of America, and loblolly pine in the southeast

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11y ago

By the following ways-

1.Trees provide food to the squirrels.

2.They are the homes of squirrels.

3.They provide shelter to the squirrels.

4.Trees protect them from natural calamities.

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14y ago

A tree that offers ready, safe access to food and that includes safe, comfortable living conditions for setting up a home is what tree squirrels [Sciuridae family] look for.

In terms of food, tree squirrels prefer access to nutssuch as acorns, almonds, hickories, osage oranges, and walnuts. In terms of fruits and vegetables, they look to avocados, cherries, corn, oranges, pears, strawberries, and tomatoes. But they also consider such 'Plan B' food sources as tree buds, blossoms and bark; insects; and animal matter.

In terms of living conditions, tree squirrels like the safety of cavities or hollows in tree trunks. But they make do by enlarging abandoned flicker or woodpecker holes. They also turn to building their balloon shaped, spherical nests of bark, leaves and sticks high up in trees with dense foliage and sturdy, tall branches.

Whether the particular tree choice is hardwood or conifer depends upon the type of tree squirrel. Generally, the favored trees are pines, oaks, maples, and hickories. Specifically, the Douglas [Tamiasciurus douglasii] and the tassel eared tree [Sciurus aberti] squirrels favor such conifers as jack or Ponderosa pines. But they give serious consideration to paper birch trees.

Eastern [Sciurus carolinensis] and Western [Sciurus griseus] gray squirrels prefer clusters of oak trees or areas of mixed oak and pine trees.

Flying [Pteromyini or Petauristini tribe] squirrels like their tree homes near bluebird nests and boxes. That means oak trees before the ravages of the Gypsy moth caterpillar and Sudden oak tree decline. But they accept many tree homes that meet their carnivorous appetites for bird eggs and nestlings.

Fox [Sciurus niger] squirrels prefer hickory and oak trees in the western United States of America, and loblolly pine in the southeast.

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13y ago

By being amazing

yes, they really are amaizing, seeds get stuck in their fur and when they fall out they will be in a new location and they will grow there.

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13y ago

well i believe that most tree squirrels live in trees.. hence the name tree squirrels..

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Q: How do squirrels and other animals help trees to grow?
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How can oak trees spread their seeds so new oak trees can grow?

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