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1988 Cadillac Elderado Looking right at it

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What kind of vehicle was Missouri?

The USS Missouri was an Iowa class battleship.

What type of civil war weapon is a tin can on a shingle?

USS Monitor

What type of boat USS Jimmy Carter?

It is a Seawolf-class submarine.

History of uss dortch battleship?

USN battleships were named after US states; such as the USS Arizona, USS California, USS Nevada, USS New York, USS Texas, USS Tennessee, USS Oklahoma, USS Alabama, USS South Dakota, USS Washington, USS Mississippi, USS West Virginia, USS Utah, etc.

How man frigates were used in the war of 1812 by the US navy?

there were 8 frigates on the American sife- the USS Constitution, the USS John Admas, the USS President, the USS United States, the USS Constellation, the USS Boston, The USS New York, and the USS Congress

What type of ship was the USS Arizona?

USS Arizona (BB-39) was a Pennsylvania-class battleship of the United States Navy.

Who built monitor type ironclads for the North after the USS Monitor?

Based on the blueprints of the USS Monitor, ship building pioneer, Donald McKay built monitor type ironclads for the Union's navy during the US Civil War.

How big is a space vehicle?

Space vehicles can be many miles in length, or only 3000 feet. A Example of a Large space vehicle is the USS Voyager. A small space vehicle would be something like the Apollo that went to the moon.

What were the names of the US aircraft carriers involved in World War?

To name a few: USS Bismarck Sea USS Lexington USS Yorktown USS Hornet USS Wasp USS Princeton USS Gambier Bay USS St. Lo USS Liscome Bay

Name of any famous aircraft carrier?

USS Enterprise, USS Lexington, USS Saratoga, HMS Ark Royal, USS Franklin D. Roosevelt, USS Hornet, USS Yorktown, USS Essex, USS Nimitz,USS Ronald Reagan, and many others.

Which is bigger USS Arizona or uss Missouri?

USS Missouri.

What type boilers did the first USS Fulton have?

As far as I can find out the First USS fulton,(Demologos) had a copper boiler located in the port side hull. The boiler was 22' long by 14' dia.