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Q: What type of viral infection includes the formation of a prophage?
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Related questions

What is viral DNA incorporated in bacterial DNA called?

The introduction of viral DNA into the host genetic structure is called lysogeny. And this is lysogenic cycle.

What is the fate of the prophage during the lysogenic stage?

it is packaged into viral proteins

What is lysogenic conversion?

When viral DNA enters into an inactive prophage state in a cell

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What is a prophage gene?

A prophage gene is a gene of a bacteriophage (virus that targets bacteria) that is inserted and integrated into the circular bacterial DNA chromosome or plasmid. Bacteriophages reproduce by inserting their genome into that of a bacterium and thus getting their genes read and viral proteins produced.

The lysogenic cycle is a viral reproductive cycle in which?

The viral DNA molecule is incorporated by genetic recombination into a specific site on the host cell's chromosome (chromatin body). it is then called prophage, the viral DNA incorporate into bacterium DNA , one prophage gene codes for a protein that represents most of the other prophage genes. the phage DNA along with its own and passes on the copies to the daughter cells. A single infected cell can soon give rise to a large population of bacteria carrying the virus in prophage form. So this propagate mechanism enables virus without killing the host cell's.

Is mumps a viral infection of the salivary gland?

No. It's caused by a viral infection in the salivary glands.

Are Hepatitis B and C a viral infection of the liver?

yes b-c viral infection

Is the avian flu viral or bacterial?

Spanish flu is viral.

Is asthma viral?

No. It is a genetically inherited disease, not a viral infection.

What kind of infection is infectious mononucleosis?

Viral Infection

What is the difference between viral and a bacteria infection?

As simple as that a viral infection is caused by a virus and a bacterial infection is caused by a bacteria.