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What type of volcano irrupt quickly creating a hill made of many small pieces of hardened lava

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Q: What type of volcano irrupt quickly creating a whole made of many small pieces apart and lava?
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A cinder cone erupts quickly and makes a hill made of small pieces of hardened lava.

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Volcano rocks come from the volcano itself because parts of the volcano might chip off inside so that will be small pieces of the volcano which are known by rocks or volcano rocks.

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The "dust" from a volcano, more properly called ash, consists of tiny pieces of rock and glass blasted out when a volcano erupts explosively.

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The Rock That Comes Out Of A Volcano Is A Igneous Rock.

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no,beacause lov

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Closer to the volcano.

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Large pieces will fall close to the volcano, due to variable weight and pressure.

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The best way to divide a square cake into 6 pieces would to first cut the cake in half (creating 2 pieces) and cutting each of those 2 pieces into thirds (creating 6 pieces).

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Scoria is a frothy form of lava ejected from a volcano as individual pieces.

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Is a shield volcano the same thing as a cinder cone volcano?

No. A shield volcano is a large volcano with broad, shallow slopes formed from layers of lava flows formed by non-explosive eruptions. A cinder cone volcano is a small, steep-sloped volcano composed of pieces of rock formed by lava that was ejected explosively into the air.