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England's victory gave it air superiority and stopped any chance of Hitler's invasion plans.

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Billy Hagenes

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1y ago
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15y ago

== == After the fall of France most countries felt the war was over. The British seemed surrounded and corner, with no real allies. The Soviets were selling raw materials to the Nazi war effort, the US cowardly refused to fight, Hitler seemed to many to have won. An era of darkness was expected to fall upon the human race.

The Spanish, French, Turkish and US Generals were ready to cut a deal with Hitler and after the defeat of the British airforce and surrender, however it did not happen.

The UK air force may have been outnumbered 3 to 1 but the British had superior radar, intelligence, tactics, planes and pilots. This not only saved the UK but the world also.

If Britain had lost then the whole of Europe, Asia, Africa, the Arab world and inevitably the Americas would be under Nazi rule. The light of mankind would indeed have been extinguished.

After the British victory, with courageous help from other allies such as Czech, Polish, NZ pilots, Hitler was heart broken. He said the defeat of the German airforce was the main reason for his defeat, he felt his whole dream of world domination had gone.

In a fit of anger and bewilderment he invaded his closest allie the Soviet Union. Not one German general agreed with this as it seemed unimportant to the Nazi war effort. The defeat at the BOB had repercussions as the Japanese in a fit of similar craed anger attacked the USA a country over twice the sieof them, again for no reason.

The BOB was the key turning point in WWII and the most important battle in the history of war fare. No battle before or since held so much importance.

To be able to invade Britain, Germany needed control of the skies so the German air force ( or Luftwaffe )attacked British air fields and shipping and then turned on to the cities of Britain. Control of the skies would help the Germans massively in invading Britain but the RAF did successfully fend of the air attacks and inflicted much larger casualties on the Germans then their own and so Hitler put the invasion date back and back as the German air force casualties mounted and more and more men were put into the newly opened soviet offensive and after 1941 USA entered the war and the soviets began to push the Germans back.The Americans and Britain began to retake German held areas in North Africa and with Masses of American troops now in Britain the invasion of Britain was finally called of forever. So if the RAF didn't defeat the Luftwaffe in the battle of Britain the Germans could have invaded Britain and possibly stopped America joining the war and would have meant the Germans could put more men in taking control of the soviet union so yes the battle of Britain was a major factor in the outcome of the war.

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12y ago

It was an air battle (or series of battles - it lasted for approximately four months) and, if the Germans had won, then they would have been able to attack anywhere in Britain with relative ease. It was meant as a precursor to a direct invasion of Britain by German ground forces, although, even if the RAF had been destroyed, the Royal Navy would have had a more than reasonable chance of preventing it - as Karl Dönitz believed: he was in charge of the German navy and believed that air superiority alone would not have guaranteed the German forces landing in effective strength.

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13y ago

Type= Air campaign

England's victory was so important because it stopped any chance of Hitler's plans.

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17y ago

England's victory gave it air superiority and stopped any chance of Hitler's invasion plans.

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12y ago

It was a Ariel battle that was important cause it showed that Germany's air force was beatable and was the start of the beginning of the end for the German air force

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Q: What type of was the Battle of Britain and why was England's victory so important?
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What type of battle was the battle of Britain and why was englands's victory so important?

The battle of Britain was an air plane fight that took place over London and the rest of Britain. It was important because Great Britain was the only Allied force remaining (the USA had not yet joined the war). By winning, Hitler decided Britain was not worth it and attacked Russia, bringing the eventual demise of Nazi Germany

What type of battle was battle of Britain and why was englands victory so important?

The battle of Britain was an air plane fight that took place over London and the rest of Britain. It was important because Great Britain was the only Allied force remaining (the USA had not yet joined the war). By winning, Hitler decided Britain was not worth it and attacked Russia, bringing the eventual demise of Nazi Germany

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What types of battle was the Battle of Britain and why was England victory so important?

It was a Ariel battle that was important cause it showed that Germany's air force was beatable and was the start of the beginning of the end for the German air force

What type of battle was the battle of Britain and why was England victory so important.?

It was a Ariel battle that was important cause it showed that Germany's air force was beatable and was the start of the beginning of the end for the German air force

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