

What type of worm is a planarian?

Updated: 9/15/2023
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12y ago

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It is a type of flatworm.

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Q: What type of worm is a planarian?
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Related questions

Is a planarian a flat worm?

yes it is .

Is a Planarian sessile?

No, a planarian is an example of a flatworm.

What type of symmetry does a planarian have?

Bilateral symmetry.

What color are planaria?

Planarian is a regenerating non-parasitic flatworm. Most planarian are striped or lined and some of the large type has bright colors.

How is the body plan of planarian different from an earthworm?

The flat worm must live in water, while the earthworm lives in and around the earth. The planarian detects light. The planarian can be split in two, separating left and right (and live). The earthworm can be split front and back (and live). The reverse is not true. Etc.

What is a planarian?

The definition of a Planarian is "any of various free-swimming, mostly freshwater flatworms of the class Turbellaria, having an undulating or sluglike motion: popular in laboratory studies for the ability to regenerate lost parts." This means that it can, if any body parts are chopped off, regrow them. In junior high we sliced it's head down the middle and it regrew two heads in a matter of weeks. Cool, but really disgusting. It is a worm-like animal. The definition of animal is "any such living thing other than a human being." So in conclusion, according to the definition of animal, a Planarian is an animal, but a very strange one.

What is a planarian ventral nerve cords?

Planarians are bilaterally symmetric worms that possess almost unlimited regenerative capacities. The ventral nerve cords are located in the segment (brains) of the worm.

What is the simplest type of worm?

The simplest worm is a flatworm.

What type of worm is a bootlace worm?

It's a kind of leech.{A worm that sucks your your blood}

When was Lake Pedder planarian created?

Lake Pedder planarian was created in 1974.

What type of organism is a tulo?

worm of land/ earth worm

What is the most famous type of worms?

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