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Rabbits can get along with all sorts of animals, although it isn't recommended that they're housed with them. Rabbits should be separated from other animals when they're alone and when they're outside, no matter how well they all seem to get along. Too many stories that start with "they're best friends!" end up in tragedy because an animal's natural instincts sometimes kick in without warning. This is especially important when considering predator animals (like cats, dogs, and ferrets): never leave them alone with the rabbit! When it comes to other prey animals (like guinea pigs), the risk is not as big but even so, the animals could hurt themselves if they're left alone together. Only rabbits that are bonded with each other should be housed together.

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I've heard that golden retrievers are very friendly but it depends on the dog's personality.

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Q: What types of dogs get along with bunnies or rabbits?
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What is the differences about rabbits and bunnies?

They are the same thing. In the same way that dogs are bow-wows or horses are gee-gees, rabbits are bunnies; i.e. a childlike or sentimental way to describe the animal.

Do rabbits like dogs?

dogs came from wolves, and wolves ate rabbits, sometimes. some rabbits get along with dogs, but you might want to be cautious.

Can greyhounds live with rabbits?

No rabbits can not get along with dogs because dogs will bark at them and try to eat them and rabbits will get scared.

What hunts bunnies?

No, they are herbivores! They eat vegetables.

Can dogs and bunnies live together?

If they are both girls, they might have babies at the same time. Bunnies and dogs cannot have babies together.

What are 5 different thing of a dog and bunny?

Dogs and bunnies have many differences. Here are some: 1. Dogs are popular pets and rabbits aren't popular pets 2.Rabbits can't see very well but dogs can 3.Rabbits have really long ears(about10 inches) but dogs don't 4.Rabbits hop but dogs don't 5.dogs run quick but rabbits only hop quick

Do bunnies get along with other animals?

If introduced at a young age rabbits and dogs can get along well but a dog would not get along with a rabbit if it had a strong hunting instinct. Rabbits are naturally afraid of dogs but overtime if the dog is constantly present and is not harming the rabbit in any way the rabbit may get used to having a dog around.

Do rabbits like small dogs?

i have a rabbit and a small dog and they get along

Why are dogs aggressive to rabbits?

Because that's the natural order of things: rabbits are prey and dogs are predators.Not all dogs are aggressive to rabbits, though. Pet rabbits and dogs have been known to get along very well (although they should never be left alone together, no matter how well they behave: too many rabbits have been lost that way).Some dog breeds tend to be more aggressive towards rabbits than others.

Do possums attack dogs?

Yes, possums are known to attack rabbits. The possum is actually one of the most predatory animals in the world!

Should An 11 year old with two big dogs and a parrot get a rabbit?

Big dogs and rabbits seldom get along with a positive result.

What are bunnies have enemies?

bunnies have natural pretadors (enemies) like dogs and coyotes.