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Q: What types of energy is being released when a firecraker explodes?
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What is energy being released?

Kinetic energy.

How is petroleum energy released?

It is released by being burned, or ignited.

What demonstrates energy being released as heat?

solar energy, kinetic energy and political energy

What type of energy is being released when a radio is playing?

its kinetic energy ;)

Light and heat energy are being released from the fire where is the energy come from?

Energy is released from the chemical bonds in the substance that's burning.

Why is energy released in a exothermic reaction?

Energy is released in an exothermic reaction because bonds are being formed.

When energy is absorbed or released is it chemical or physical change?

That depends on the type of energy being absorbed or released or exchanged.

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Is energy being released photosynthesis or aerobic respiration?

aerobic resperation

What is potential energy as far as being related to electricity?

Potential energy is stored energy, that can be released at any time. Also, potential energy is energy of position.

When gasoline is broken down is releases energy What is it being released from exactly?

The bonds holding the molecule together are made of energy, when these bonds are broken, the energy holding the molecule together is released.

What type of reaction is exothermic reaction?

The reaction in which energy is being released, and the overall energy change (enthalpy) is negative.