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Torture at the very least. Death became a relief to some.

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Q: What typically happened to Jews who were sent to the concentration camps?
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What happened to the Jews when they were in German concentration camps?

Most were murdered.

What happened to Jews population?

Approx. 25 % died in concentration camps etc.

What happened to most of the bodies of the Jews in the concentration camps?

I am pretty sure they cremated most of the bodies

What happened when Jews first arrived at the concentration camps?

nothing happened to 'all'. Depending on need, a proportion were selected for work.

What rights did Jews have in concentration camps?

The inmates of concentration camps had no rights at all.

What does blokova mean?

A prisoner in charge at the camps (concentration camps, death camps, forced labor camps) during the Holocaust. These people were typically non-Jewish (Jews were treated the worst in the camps).

Why were the Jews in the concentration camps not the death camps?

They were in both..

How did the Jews get around the concentration camps?

In the concentration camps, Jews and everyone else marched around the camps.

What happened to the Jews that lived in Poland in the holocaust?

They were turned over to the Nazis and killed or put in concentration camps

What happened after Jews were transported to concentration camps?

They were worked to death, tortured, or sent into gas chambers to die.

How many concentration camps did Adolf Hitler have?

what was Hitler's purpose for sending Jews to concentration camps and what is a concentration camp.

Were Jews beaten in concentration camps?

yes, all inmates were beaten in concentration camps.