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The typical units of measurement used to determine the volume of a milk carton are gallon and half gallon. If the carton is smaller, pints, quarts or ounces are used.

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Q: What unit of measure should you use to determine the volume of a milk carton?
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What is the unit to measure the capacity of carton of cream?

Any unit of volume will do the job, but the cup, pint, fluid ounce, or liter will most likely produce the most convenient number.

What would you do to determine the volume of a rock?

You would determine the volume of water it displaces and measure it.

What is the volume of a carton that measure 12 cm Long 9cm and 12cm high?

1296 cubic cm

How is volume used in your everyday life?

You measure volume in a measuring jug, or when you are trying to put your mother pet chihuahua in an orange juice carton.

How heavy is an average carton of milk in litres?

A litre (or liter) is a measure of volume, not a measure of weight. A single liter of milk weighs ABOUT 1.03 kilograms.

What does a carton of milk measure liter or milliliter?

The volume of a glass of milk would best be measured in millilitres.

Is a carton a pint or quart?

A carton can typically hold either a pint or quart of liquid, depending on the specific carton size. It is important to check the volume labeled on the carton to determine the exact capacity.

What are t he dimensions of a 2 liter milk carton?

The millimeter is a unit of length. The liter is a unit of volume. The two units of measure can not be equated.

Explain why an ice cream factory measure with volume?

Volume is used for ice cream as a measure. For example, you can buy a quart or gallon or pint (all units of measure of volume) carton of ice cream. This use of volume measure is better than using other forms, such as weight, for a measure. Weight, for example, is not as good. Different ingredients will weight more or less than others, while volume is set and standard, regarless of the type of ice cream.

How can you calculates the nos of carton fill in 8mt truck?

A. Calculate the volume of the truck. B. Calculate the volume of an individual carton Divide A by B

What are things that are a liter?

A One Litre Milk Carton (Full) but speaking thereotically nothing weighs a Litre, since Litre is a Measure in Volume, not Mass.

What should be used to measure the volume of an ice cream cone?

You could measure volume in cubic centimeters.