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Each state varies, however, to substitute teach an individual must usually have at least 60 college credits.

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Q: What university or college degree do you need to become a substitute teacher in VA?
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What is a good college or university to attend to become a math teacher?

Come to India and select any college

Where to study to become a teacher?

In a teacher training college. That is after you have obtained the qualification at university relating to the subject you intend to teach.

Where would one study to become a teacher?

In a teacher training college. That is after you have obtained the qualification at university relating to the subject you intend to teach.

Is there a special college to become a teacher?

No. You can become a teacher through any college.

Do you have to have an associate's degree in teaching to become a substitute teacher?

In most states you need at least 60 college credits to be a substitute teacher.In most states you need at least 60 college credits to be a substitute teacher.In most states you need at least 60 college credits to be a substitute teacher.In most states you need at least 60 college credits to be a substitute teacher.In most states you need at least 60 college credits to be a substitute teacher.In most states you need at least 60 college credits to be a substitute teacher.

How do you become a substitute teacher in Galveston Texas?

In most states, to be a substitute teacher in the public school system takes the completion of 60 college credits. You should check with the Board of Education in the area you would like to teach for detailed information.

Where can I study to become a kindergarten teacher?

If you want to become a kindergarten teacher you should go to a University or college and get a teaching degree, preferably one with an academic program related to your field study.

What is a good college or university to attend to become a history teacher?

The University of Arkansas, Fayetteville offers a Master of Arts in Teaching degree where you can choose History as an option to teach.

What are the names of some colleges for teachers?

Some of the top colleges for people who want to become a teacher are Teachers College at Columbia University, Eastern Michigan University, and the University of Iowa. Also on the list are the University of Georgia, Florida State University, and Rhode Island College, among others.

How do you apply for admission to become a teacher?

First you have to find a college or university that offers a teacher education program. Contact the admissions department at the school and they will send you out an application with all the information on the procedure you must follow. You can start at the four year college or university, or you can start at your home county community college (much less expensive).

How do I become an elementary school teacher?

In order to teach elementary school, you will need your state's teaching certification and a number of college credits, which varies. Usually the number is over 60 to be a substitute, and over 100 in order to become a full time teacher with the opportunity for advancement.

Do you have to have a certain amount of college credits in a subject to become a teacher?

you have to have 4 years of college to be a teacher.