

What value did Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin share?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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13y ago

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In 1939 Adolf Hitler, the leader of fascist Germany, signed a non-aggression pact with Joseph Stalin, the leader of

the communist Soviet Union. Openly, the leaders agreed to peaceful conduct. In secret, they agreed to divide

foreign territories between their nations. The treaty shocked people around the world, and many wondered how

long the new alliance would last.

What value did Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin share?

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What value did Adolf Hitler and Joseph share?

Both of them were leading of an armed superior country and both of them a mad egomentist men who always rely on power and dominate force

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At the beginning of World War II, the Russian dictator, Joseph Stalin, had a non-aggression pact with Adolf Hitler and Nazis Germany. While Adolf Hitler attacked northwards and south into France and Africa, etc. Joseph Stalin attacked southwards in order to divide and conquer and share out conquered bordering countries between them. But, when Adolf Hitler failed to invade and conquer Great Britain, he turned towards Russia and began Operation Barbarossa, the code name for the invasion of Russia, 22 Jun 1941 – 5 Dec 1941.Like Napoleon Bonaparte's invasion of Russia, 24 Jun 1812 – 14 Dec 1812, that ended in a disastrous retreat that cost many lives, so too did Hitler's Russian invasion attempt. Adolf Hitler should have learned from history, and realise that the biggest hurdle in invading the vastness of Russia, was the Russian winter and the Russian determination to throw everything at the Germans no matter what was the cost in Russian lives.

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What did Germany in the USSR agree to in their accords?

if ussr is Soviet Union like i think and it was under Stalin, then they signed a non aggression pact, so Stalin wouldn't interfere with Hitler, also Hitler bribed him by offering to share Poland

What did Hitler and Stalin agree to in the nazi-soviet nonaggression treaty?

They agreed that the Nazis and the soviets could share the war-torn Poland

Does everyone hate Hitler like you do?

Not necessarily. Many people share the ideals of Adolf Hitler, even today. The New Nazi Party is 1.5 million members strong worldwide.

Why was Joseph Stalin popular among the people in his country?

For many people, he presented benefits by forcing the wealtheir to share their money and supplies.

What was the secret agreement between Stalin and Hitler prior to world war 1?

Hitler and Stalin promised to share Polish lands and agreed not to fight one another in the war. This 'Non-Aggression Act' only lasted a short time as Hitler saw the advantage of gaining power through claiming Russian lands and therefore null and voided the pact.