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Hot Peppers.

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Q: What vegetable speeds the metabolism and burns fat?
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Do muscle burns fat?

The more muscle you build, the more your metabolism speeds up. Therefore, if you have more muscle, you burn more fat.

What exercise burns fat the quickes?

Cardiovascular activity burns fat fast. Anything that makes talking difficult or impossible because you are breathing heavy is great. Your heart is pumping and your metabolism is going into overdrive.

Are bananas good for your metabolsim?

Any kind of fruit or vegetable is good for your metabolism because they contain lots of fiber. Fiber is very hard to digest so it forces your metabolism to work harder and faster. The harder and faster your metabolism works, the more fat it burns therefore helping you lose weight or maintain a healthy weight naturally, without pills or dieting.

What foods cause the body to lose fat?

No food burns the fat off your body but stimulants and metobolic boosters like caffine, yohimbine etc increases your metabolism and in turn help you burn a lot of fat

Is it better to do cardiovascular workouts, or strength training exercise, for fat loss ?

Cardiovascular exercise is much better for fat loss because not only does it burn more calories but actually speeds up your metabolism.

Process your body uses when losing weight?

Its simple metabolism. Your body burns the fat molecules that are in your body for energy and ATP to drive cellular processes.

Is there such thing as high metabolism?

Yes there is. I have friends that have high metabolism and what it is is when your body burns fat very fast. People with high metabolism are very skinny and can eat as much as they want and not gain any weight. One of my friends will be eating at midnight and not gain weight.

Can you buy vegetable fat?

Yes. Vegetable oils are vegetable fat. If you want it in a solid form, you can buy vegetable shortening.

Is vegetable oil saturated fat?

About 1/3 of the fat in vegetable oil is saturated fat.

What time of exercise increases fat loss?

Shorter bursts of energy increase fat loss. That's why workout videos are getting shorter and shorter. It speeds up your metabolism for the day if you workout for maybe 20 minutes in the morning.

Does vegetable oil contain unsaturated fat?

=yes vegetable oil does contain unsaturated fat=

What does metabolism do to your body?

What metabolism does for your body is that it cuts down fat in your body.