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There a lots of things that you could be lacking in your diet, but it would be advisable to take a daily vitamin. Try not to take the synthetic vitamins though. Try and get herbal ones as much as you can as they are easier for the body to digest, they are more effective, and a lot safer.

Here are some reasons why one could be light-headed: * Not eating properly (skipping meals) Our bodies need fuel like anything else in order to work properly. * High blood pressure. * Some medications you could be taking. (read side effects of medication) ALWAYS get a print-out on your medications from the pharmacist. * Inner ear problem. It is wise to see your doctor before counting on just vitamins. Vitamins are good for you, but will do little if you aren't eating properly.

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Q: What vitamin deficiency causes light headedness?
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Which vitamin deficiency causes night blindness?

Night blindness, also known as nyctalopia, is a difficulty or inability to see in low light. This can be caused by a Vitamin A deficiency.

Vitamin b2 deficiency disease?

A deficiency of Vitamin B2 can cause diabetes, intestinal disease, and Fibromyalgia.

Deficiencies in which vitamin are the most prevalent worldwide?

New Entry: Deficiencies in Vitamin A are more widespread in the world than any other vitamin and cause up to 80,000 people (mostly children) to become blind each year.Old Entry: Well-known human vitamin deficiencies involve thiamine (B1)- (beriberi), niacin (B3)- (pellagra), vitamin C (scurvy) and vitamin D (rickets).Vitamin K causes bleeding diathesis.Vitamin B6 causes anemia.Riboflavin (B2) causes ariboflavinosis.Vitamin A causes night blindness and keratomalacia.According to WHO Micronutrient deficiencies are:- Iodine deficiency disorders- Vitamin A deficiency- Iron deficiency anaemiaIn the light of the above facts, I select (item D) Vitamin A. * 1 year ago

What is night blindness caused by?

night blindness is particularly caused by deficiency of vitamin A (retinol)Our eyes contain 2 photosensitive cellsrods-for scotopic vision i.e., for night vision contain pigment rodopsincones-for photopic vision i.e, to see colours in presence of light contain pigment ionopsinrodopsin pigment contain retinal, an aldehyde of retinol(vitamin A)Therefore deficiency of vitamin A effects scotopic vision and is known as night blindness

What decease is caused by not getting anough vitamin a?

Night blindness.A vitamin deficiency disease,in which the sufferer is unable to see in dim light.

What is Night of Blindness?

Night blindness is when a person's eyes have become poor at seeing in dim light approaching darkness. Some causes are from nearsightedness, cataracts, or vitamin A deficiency, though age is also a factor.

What problem caused by Deficiency of vitamin A?

if you lack vitamin a you get night blindness

What happens when someone hyperventilates?

They breathe too much oxygen. This causes light-headedness. Breathe slowly for awhile or breathe into a paper bag to raise your CO2 .

What happens when you are too low on vitamin A?

A deficiency in vitamin A can cause many symptoms such as, to name a few; dry skin, color blindness, conjunctivitis, eyes sensitive to light, dry hair, and ridges in the nails.

What vitamin deficiency could cause night blindness?

Its simple.. Night blindness is a disease caused by deficiency of vitamin A. Less vitamin A means synthesis of rhodopsin is stunted which affects our ability to see and distinguish light and dark color objects.. With the help of rod cells..its a defficiency disease so it can be overcomed with correct administration of vitamins. Iodopsin is far more stable than rhodopsin and is affected much later on, and rarely. And when it does affect iodopsin, it affects clarity of vision, not color vision as this one is genetic disorder rather than deficiency one.

What happens when someone suffers from vitamin D deficiency?

Vitamin D has fat soluble compounds known as calciferols. Vitamin D is not a true vitamin because it can be absorbed by your skin when cholosteral reacts with ultraviolet light from the sun. Sunscreens and clothes can block UV sunlight rays from reaching the skin and would cause vitamin D deficiency. To help prevent this possibilty, foods or drinks like milk or vitamin water would work very well with Vitamin D2 and D3. However, a very severe deficiency of vitamin D can lead to softening of bones called the osteomalacia in adults and rickets in teens and children.