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I vote for low blood iron (i.e. anemia) as the culprit. I have been eating cornstarch for approximately six years. The cravings started early in my pregnancy with my youngest son and, after starting on the prescribed prenatal vitamins and some heavy duty iron tablets, the craving subsided and the cornstarch didn't taste quite so yummy. I'm not sure which prescription resolved the deficiency, or if it was a combination of the two, but after about a week of taking the prenatals and iron, the cornstarch wasn't so appealing anymore.

AnswerHere is a cure for your cornstarch cravings and anemia:

Your local Asian supermarket will have frozen beef and pork blood available. Put a tablespoon of the blood in each serving of hot soups, chilis and stew. Beef and pork blood is obviously very high in iron. Your anemia will be gone within a few days of daily use.

Drink raw fruit smoothies. Put fresh or frozen fruits in blender with almond or soy milk (NO DAIRY or sweeteners) and add 1 teaspoon of chlorella or alfalfa powder. Pulse and blend. Drink. It's tasty and healthy and it will detox you.

That's all you need to do. I've been free of the cornstarch addiction for 5 months now and I don't miss it. And I'm losing weight.

As a side note: 95% of African-Americans are very allergic to dairy products. Consuming anything with lactose (like milk, white sauces, creams or cheeses) will lead to intestinal bleeding. Losing blood in the stool causes anemia. Dairy is not your friend!

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Q: What vitamin deficiency causes weird cravings like celery?
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What causes celery craving?

I used to crave celery and ate up to 3 heads of it a day for about 6 years. 2 months ago I was diagnosed with severe iron deficiency anaemia and have been taking iron tablets and find I no longer want to eat celery! I have just read somewhere that pica (cravings) is often for crunchy food, and that people who are iron deficient sometimes have these cravings.

What vitamins are celery?

Vitamin A,Vitamin B6,Folic Acid,Riboflavin,Vitamin C,Vitamin E,Vitamin K

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Most likely the solution is water and salt. The salt in the water causes the celery to pull water out of itself to try and even out the salt to water concentration. This causes the celery to wilt.

What are the main ingredients of marmite?

The main ingredient of Marmite is yeast extract which gives the spread its distinctive taste. The other ingredients are salt, vegetable extract, vitamin B3, vitamin B1, spice extracts, vitamin B2, folic acid, celery extract and vitamin B12.

What are the health benefits of celery?

Celery has a lot of fiber(essential for intestines), Vitamin K(helps blood and heart), and Vitamin C(maintains strong tissue). It also may lower cholesterol and blood pressure. Check out the link if you want to know more.

What vitamins does celery have in them?

The best way to figure out the content of vitamin C in celery is to check the nutritional data on the packing or sometimes some grocery stores have "fact list" of different vegetables and fruits listed in the produce department. Vitamin C helps in maintaining healthy skin and it also helps in vision. Another good source of vitamin C is orange and other citrus fruits.

When placed in tap water why does celery get stiff?

== == because the water makes the celery's cells go flaccid (stiff or erect) and that is why celery goes hard after being in water.

Thinning hair can be fixed by what vitamin?

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