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Four months before President Aberham Lincoln's inauguration, five states seceded from the Union-the rest of the Confederacy shortly thereafter. By the time he took office, The Civil War was only weeks away.

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he was the president...... he was against slavery

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Q: How was Abraham Lincoln connected to the secession from the union?
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The secession of South Carolina from the Union in 1860 was prompted by?

the election of Abraham Lincoln as President.

What event led to the secession Southern states from the union?

The 1860 election of President Abraham Lincoln

Was Abraham Lincoln a confederade or a union?

Abraham Lincoln was on the Union side.

Which event in1861 led to the immediate secession of several southern state from the union?

Lincoln's Presidency

Who won in the 1860 eletion?

Abraham Lincoln won the 1860 presidential election. He was the first Republican president of the United States, and his victory ultimately contributed to the secession of Southern states from the Union.

What did Abraham Lincoln do for United States?

he made it unslave country and connected the union also he won the civil war

What was the biggest challenge abraham lincoln faced while in office?

ANSWER The Secession of most of the Southern States from the Union, the Proclamation of the Confederacy and the Civil War, which were the three parts of the challenge related to the restoration of the Union.

Did Abraham Lincoln fought for the confederancy or union?

Abraham Lincoln was the Union preisidendt he became presidnt and was re-elceted then assassanated.Are you kidding me who ever wrote this is wrong, he was totaly apart of the union! :D

Who was president of the union?

Abraham Lincoln was the President of the Union Army.

Why do you think Lincoln was adamant about bringing the south back into the union?

Abraham Lincoln and Andrew Johnson, reasoned that since secession was illegal, the South belonged-and always had-to the Union, and therefore the states ought to be brought back into their "proper relationship" with the federal government.

Who was the union's president?

Abraham Lincoln

Who was president when the southern state secede from the union?

Buchanan. The secession of the first state (South Carolina) was a direct response to Lincoln's election win. But Lincoln was not inaugurated until March 1861.