

What was Capulet answer to Paris?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: What was Capulet answer to Paris?
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What events have occurred to prompt Capulet's meeting with Paris?

Capulet wants to discuss Paris's proposal to marry Juliet. Paris has expressed his desire to marry Juliet to Capulet, and Capulet is arranging a meeting to discuss the potential marriage.

What is Paris' proposal to Capulet?

Paris asks Capulet if he can marry Juliet. He doesn't bother asking Juliet.

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What is the topic of discussion between Capulet and Paris in the play romeo and Juliet?

Capulet and Paris are discussing Juliet's potential marriage to Paris. Capulet wants Paris to woo Juliet and wait for her to be ready for marriage, while Paris is eager to marry her soon. Ultimately, Capulet agrees to Paris' proposal, setting the stage for the tragic events of the play.

What is Paris reply when Capulet makes his announcement?

Paris replies that he will do his best to honor Capulet's decision and win Juliet's love.

Who all died on the Capulet side?

On the Capulet side, Tybalt, Lady Capulet, and Paris died. Tybalt was killed by Romeo, Lady Capulet died of grief, and Paris was killed by Romeo in a duel.

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Was Juliette a Montague or a Capulet?

One person answered: Capulet - it was Capulet's desire to have his daughter, Juliet, marry within the family or in other words Paris. However, this is wrong. Paris is a relative of Duke Escalus, which is why he says at the end of the play that he has lost "a brace of kinsmen" (Paris and Mercutio). Juliet had never met Paris before the party where she also meets Romeo. Paris is neither Montague nor Capulet

Who does Capulet want his daughter to marry?

Capulet wants his daughter, Juliet, to marry Paris, a nobleman and kinsman of the Prince.

What does Capulet promise Paris?

Capulet promises Paris that Juliet will marry him three days from then.

What agreement does Capulet make with Paris?

Capulet agrees to let Paris marry Juliet in three days.

Why has Paris come to visit Capulet?

Count Paris visits Lord Capulet in Act I, Scene II, of Romeo and Juliet, to ask Lord Capulet for Juliet's hand in marriage. Lord Capulet stalls, telling him to wait until Juliet is older.