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"Money" was his major motivation. His financial demands (10 percent of all earnings to be made in the lands to be discovered, among others) was considered so extravagant by the Portuguese that they refused to back his expedition. Another reason was that they had - correctly - calculated that India or China never could be found where Colombus thought he would find it.

Columbus repeated his financial claims to the Spanish Court and reached an agreement. Only the Spanish Government never made good on its promises and Columbus spent the rest of his life in fruitless ligitation.

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Q: What was Christopher Columbus' motivations for his goals?
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What were Christopher Columbus motivations or reasons for goals?

He wanted the riches of Chinese silks and spices.

What were Christopher Columbus motivations or reasons for his goals?

He wanted the riches of Chinese silks and spices.

What were Christopher Columbus's motivations or reasons for his goals?

He wanted the riches of Chinese silks and spices.

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His motives were to find as much gold as he could

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What are Christopher Columbus's goals?

i think the awser is by getting rich and getting gold silk

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Christopher Columbus' main goal was to find gold and other treasures. The fact that he found a completely new land to settle was not something he intended.

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Christopher Columbus.