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Q: What was Eisenhower first political office?
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Dwight Eisenhower's first political office was that of?

Dwight Eisenhower's first political office was that of President of the United States. He served as the 34th President from 1953 to 1961.

What political offices did Dwight Eisenhower hold prior to his presidency?

Eisenhower was a career military officer for 36 years - he held no elected office before becoming President

What offices did Eisenhower hold?

He held no political office before becoming President

What offices did Dwight Eisenhower hold?

He held no political office before becoming President

Who was first president to take oath of office in White House?

Dwight Eisenhower

Was Eisenhower a governor?

No. His first elected position was President of the US. He did not seek an elected office after that.

Who was the first president to reach age seventy while in office?

Dwight D. Eisenhower

When was Eisenhower Executive Office Building created?

Eisenhower Executive Office Building was created in 1888.

What was Dwight Eisenhower's political affiliation?

Dwight Eisenhower was a Republican

Who was elected president first Eisenhower or Truman?

Truman came first. He became President after Franklin Roosevelt died in office in 1945, and then was elected to the position in 1948. Eisenhower defeated Truman for reelection in 1952

What year did the first national political ads appear on television?

Political advertising first appeared on television during the 1952 presidential campaign.1952 Eisenhower v. Stevenson

Where is the Eisenhower Executive Office Building located?

The Eisenhower Executive Office Building is located on Pennsylvania Avenue, in Washington, DC. The Eisenhower Executive Office Building holds the President of the United States Executive Office as well as other governing offices.