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To figure out the different traits of plant's. He used the pea plant because it grew quicker and it gave many traits.

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Q: What was Gregor Mendel testing peas for?
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Related questions

What is Gregor Mendel's Favorite color?

Gregor Mendel's favorite color was green read it in a biography about him.

Who invented mushy peas?

Gregor Mendel invented peas in 1850

What website is Gregor Mendel pictures on?

Try Biography of Gregor Mendel. It has some decent pictures of Mendel and the garden where he planted his peas.

What is gregor Mendel's theory?

Gregor Mandals theory was to find out why peas were wrinkled and etc,

Why did Gregor Mendel study peas?

Gregor Mendel studyed peas because he notaced that they reproduced fast and he could studdy the different trates pased on from parent to offspring easyer.

What kind of work did Gregor Mendel do?

Peas hybridization experiment

What living thing did Gregor Mendel study the characteristics?


Did Gregor Mendel work with garden peas?

Yes his most famous work dealt with the genetics of peas.

Which scientist used garden peas to test patterns of inheritance?

Gregor Johann Mendel - The Father of Genetics

Who was gregor Mendel and what experimants is he famous for?

He is the father of genetics. He is famous for his experiments with peas.

Why did Gregor Johann Mendel use peas?

They self-fertilize

Who was the first person to show how traits are passed from parents to offspring?

Gregor Mendel is basically known for being the founder of genetics through testing with peas and noticing traits passing down.