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the Code of Hammurabi

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Q: What was Hammurabi's most famous reform?
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Is Hammurabi Babylon's most powerful monarch?

yes babylons most powerful monarch is the hammurabis.

How did the Jesuits influence catholic reform?

Actually the Jesuits fought AGAINST the Reformation. That's what they are most famous for.

Which reform was introduced by Julius Caesar?

The most famous and lasting reform Julius Caesar introduced was a new calendar which, with the exception of one day every century, is still used by everyone in the world today.

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Who was the famous women who was a novelist and reform?

It is ANdrew Phillipo the but humper

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Who were the two men that attempted to reform ancient Roma?

The most famous two men who worked hard to reform ancient Rome were Tiberius and his brother Gaius. Both brothers were killed for their efforts to help the common man in Rome.

For what was Horace Mann famous?

He was involved in educational reform in the United States.

Who went to reform school and wrote many famous rock and roll songs?

Chuck Berry was a famous African American who wrote Rock and Roll songs after he went to reform school for Atempt of Burglary.